Payara Server
- [PAYARA-737] - Resolve GLASSFISH-21532 GlobalTID breaks the equals/hashCode contract
- [PAYARA-934] - aliased password cannot be replaced by the value of the alias
- [PAYARA-995] - AS-WEB-CORE-00369 errors when using Hazelcast for session replication
- [PAYARA-1052] - MicroProfile UberJAR startup Grizzly error
- [PAYARA-1082] - Authorization stops working after app redeploy
- [PAYARA-1115] - Parameterised log messages are incorrectly escaped
- [PAYARA-1185] - JMS Service Binding Address not working correctly for application client
- [PAYARA-1188] - Negative Values for CountOpenConnections
- [PAYARA-1195] - Unable to deploy activemq-rar resource under Payara
- [PAYARA-1205] - Fix for PAYARA-1036 breaks Microprofile
- [PAYARA-1219] - Jersey EncodingFilter does not work in Payara
- [PAYARA-1223] - WELD-000163: Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected
- [PAYARA-1224] - Concurrency bug in SessionStatsProvider
- [PAYARA-1244] - Default role mapping setting broke the domain level setting
- [PAYARA-1254] - Spurious warning: "Severe: Unknow type constant pool 15 at position xxx"
- [PAYARA-1259] - Sending access logs to the console does not work as expected
- [PAYARA-1261] - Fix Warning: Context path from ServletContext: differs from path from bundle: /
- [PAYARA-1277] - Could not deploy simple war on cluster while Internet is off
- [PAYARA-1281] - Setting "Slow Query Log Threshold" to a positive value other than 1 causes password errors
- [PAYARA-1282] - JMX Monitoring service with dynamic=true will not be enabled unless the server is restarted
- [PAYARA-1283] - JMX monitoring service adding properties does not fail gracefully
- [PAYARA-1290] - JNDI conflict with local data sources
- [PAYARA-1380] - Fix session load NPE
- [PAYARA-1396] - Felix OSGi Web Console fails when installed
New Features
- [PAYARA-698] - Email Notifier
- [PAYARA-700] - JMS Notifier
- [PAYARA-701] - SNMP Notifier
- [PAYARA-702] - XMPP Notifier
- [PAYARA-703] - HipChat Notifier
- [PAYARA-704] - Slack Notifier
- [PAYARA-705] - Payara Micro (CDI Event Bus) Notifier
- [PAYARA-822] - Add simple API for registering a SAM
- [PAYARA-1039] – Public API JAR
- [PAYARA-1053] - Add a way to run asadmin commands against Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1065] - Add controls for EJB pool size per EJB
- [PAYARA-1122] – Historical Request Traces
- [PAYARA-1125] – Historical Healthcheck entries
- [PAYARA-1138] - Extreme Classloader Isolation
- [PAYARA-1141] - Enable the DAS to send asadmin commands to Micro cluster members
- [PAYARA-1143] - Add support for CDI event bus into Payara Server
- [PAYARA-1383] - Admin Console integration for Health Check Service
- [PAYARA-1386] - Add support for substituting environment variables in domain.xml
- [PAYARA-895] - Create new JAR format for microprofile
- [PAYARA-1044] - Payara Micro: Refresh logging configuration after set-log-levels
- [PAYARA-1048] - Payara Micro command line options should be case insensitive
- [PAYARA-1060] - GlassFish HASSOFactory hardcoded replicated
- [PAYARA-1068] - Payara Micro's --outputUberJar should package any additional files/changes made to the --rootDir
- [PAYARA-1078] - Make JDBC connection validation use any configured statement timeout.
- [PAYARA-1087] - PhoneHome requires unique ID for Payara installations
- [PAYARA-1146] - Create a custom Hazelcast serialiser
- [PAYARA-1150] - When setting the File Rotation Limit to a value less than 500,000, the error message is not particularly informative
- [PAYARA-1184] - Payara Micro should output information about all deployed apps
- [PAYARA-1218] - Hazelcast help text in admin console is misleading
- [PAYARA-1234] - Deploying an application with an invalid name containing an accented char or space fails with unhelpful error message
- [PAYARA-1262] - Package notification artefacts in its own packager
- [PAYARA-1263] - HTTP(S) worker thread names now include their listener name
- [PAYARA-1276] - set relaxCacheVersionSemantics the default
- [PAYARA-1286] - Increase the autoBindRange default in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1324] - Simplify rolling upgrades
- [PAYARA-1330] - Send-Asadmin-Command does not print out or log the output of commands that do not inherently print anything out to the log
- [PAYARA-1343] - Support Hazelcast Partition Groups
- [PAYARA-1344] - Support Hazelcast Host Aware Partitioning in Payara Micro and Microprofile
- [PAYARA-1345] - Create more meaningful error message for JCache if Hazelcast is disabed
- [PAYARA-1346] - Hazelcast should be turned off when disabled dynamically
- [PAYARA-1347] - Notification listing asadmin commands need to display configuration for multiple notifiers
- [PAYARA-1407] - Enabling HealthCheck in Payara Micro without arguments fails uninformatively
- [PAYARA-1430] - Make Asadmin Recorder migrate better
- [PAYARA-1435] - Improvement on creating initial configuration for Healthcheck service
- [PAYARA-1437] - Remove unnecessary default values from the Healthcheck service commands
- [PAYARA-1438] - Remove unnecessary default values from the Request Tracing service commands
- [PAYARA-1447] - Ensure Hazelcast is booted before app deployments
Security Fixes
- [PAYARA-989] - Security Issue in Payara
- [PAYARA-1214] - Adapt to JDK fix for CVE-2016-3427
- [PAYARA-1216] - CVE-2016-3092 upgrade commons file upload
- [PAYARA-1217] - CVE-2016-0763 apply Security Permission for Global Context
- [PAYARA-1260] - Upgrade jline in nucleus pom for CVE-2013-2035
Upstream Bugs
- [PAYARA-1005] - Apps fail to deploy with empty beans.xml file
- [PAYARA-1007] - web.xml cannot override web-fragment.xml
- [PAYARA-1056] - Sums of thread pool statistics counters not correct
- [PAYARA-1105] - Using a custom log formatter leads to retaining only 10 history log files
- [PAYARA-1114] - Deadlock in a distributed transaction
- [PAYARA-1264] - JSP precompiling during deployment ignores settings in glassfish-web.xml
Component Upgrades
- [PAYARA-1204] - Upgrade Weld version to 2.4.1.Final
- [PAYARA-1230] - Upgrade and Patch EclipseLink to 2.6.4
- [PAYARA-1231] - Upgrade Mojarra to 2.2.14
- [PAYARA-1232] - Upgrade Jackson 2.8.5
- [PAYARA-1233] - Upgrade Jettison 1.3.8
- [PAYARA-1291] - Upgrade Hazelcast to 3.7.4 for 171
- [PAYARA-1336] - Upgrade asm-commons to 5.0.3
- [PAYARA-1440] - Downgrade Grizzly to 2.3.27 until 2.3.29 available