Payara Server
Release Highlights
The 163 release of Payara will feature a couple of new tech previews. These are new features added to Payara which we do not recommend are used on production systems.
Request Tracing is a new service that will allow Payara to track and log information about the requests it handles.
Payara now offers a JMX Monitoring Service. Once configured, Payara Server will monitor and log the values of attributes that have been listed for monitoring.
Updated Modules
- ibm.jbatch.container.version 1.0.1.payara-p2
- Hazelcast 3.6.4
- Grizzly 2.3.25
- mimepull 1.9.6
- javax.batch-api.version 1.0.1
- jbatch.container.version 1.0.1
- jbatch.spi.version 1.0.1
- Weld 2.3.5.Final
- Tyrus 1.13
New Features
This section details the newly developed additions to Payara Server.
- PAYARA-168 - Integrate HealthCheck notifications with the Notification Service
- PAYARA-612 - Create a general notification service
- 856/PAYARA-186 - Hazelcast Based EJB Persistent Timer Store for Payara Micro
- 857/PAYARA-592 - Monitoring for Concurrent Resources
- 939/PAYARA_174 - Initial Tech Preview implementation of Request Tracing
- 975/PAYARA-811 - Monitor agent to write JMX metrics to file periodically
- 977/PAYARA-180 - CDI Interceptor api that can be used to wrap any CDI call to be traced by Request Tracing
This section details the issues marked as enhancements that have been implemented for this release.
- PAYARA-177 - Trace EJB Method Calls
- PAYARA-183 - asadmin commands to configure and control request tracing
- PAYARA-697 - Create Notification Service Log Notifier
- PAYARA-757 - Request tracing of outbound WebService calls
- PAYARA-758 - Request tracing of outbound REST calls
- 754/PAYARA-755 - Request tracing support for WebSockets
- 787/PAYARA-729 - Send Payara access logs to stdout/stderr
- 820/PAYARA-740 - Add a --version option to Payara Micro
- 836/PAYARA-746 - Add validation to prevent you entering a negative value for fish.payara.jts.RecoveryResynchTimeout property
- 851/PAYARA-754 - Add extra output location validation for the Asadmin Recorder service
- 855/PAYARA-827 - JTA Transaction Timer Thread should be named
- 859/PAYARA-791 - server.log file empty for Payara micro
- 862/PAYARA-823 - DataSource is silently defaulted to jdbc/__default on any lookup failure
- 865/PAYARA-683 - When EAR is deployed, it is not possible to see details of EJB modules in admin console
- 891/PAYARA-184 - Admin Console Integration for configuration of request tracing
- 894/PAYARA-848 - Admin Console Integration for configuration of Notification Service
- 897/PAYARA-169 - Admin Console integration to display Notifications on server tab
- 903/PAYARA-628 - Move Hazelcast and JBatch configuration into the tree view rather than its current location on the tab view. Only members should be on the tab view.
- 905/PAYARA-796 - Add license key field for Payara Scales
- 913/PAYARA-845 - Add option to disable the Server Header
- 915/PAYARA-832 - Create new version identifier for Payara Blue
- 916/PAYARA-847 - Change the thread-pool for the Admin HTTP listener in a cluster environment
- 924/PAYARA-859 - Request for finer-grained slow sql logger with miliseconds
- 934/PAYARA-839 - Disabled apps have no contextRoot param after restart
- 943/PAYARA-909 - healthcheck commands do not accept configurations as a target
- 947/PAYARA-927 - Merge two Request Tracing Service configuration page into one
- 950/PAYARA-928 - Merge two Notification Service configuration page into one
- 957/PAYARA-926 - Request Tracing for EJB Timers
- 968/PAYARA-851 - Access logging command line option for Payara Micro
- 970/PAYARA-731 - Shrink the Payara Micro Jar
- 974/PAYARA-836 - Allow user to use their own file for Payara Micro
- 975/PAYARA-771 - Create asadmin commands for the monitoring logger
- 943/PAYARA-909 - healthcheck commands do not accept configurations as a target
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues marked as bugs that have been fixed for this release.
Payara Fixes
This section details the fixes implemented by the Payara team or community.
- 244/PAYARA-470 - JTS recovery hangs for the full length of the recovery timeout and then succeeds
- PAYARA-580 -Investigate Closed Entity Factory possible bug
- PAYARA-682 - Properties substitustion does not work when EJB module with application-scoped datasource is deployed
- 794/PAYARA-776 - Windows service is named "domain1 GlassFish Server"
- 798/PAYARA-775 - Unwrapping principal interferes with JASPIC's register session
- 799/PAYARA-710 - Fix CVE-2012-2098
- 807/PAYARA-643 - The JMS Availability tab contains a deep link to Oracle docs
- 808/PAYARA-594 - Spurious AllPermission warning
- 812/PAYARA-382 - Fix GitHub issue 384 spurious SEVERE log message when deploying WebService
- 816/PAYARA-742 - Eclipselink generates broken SQL for Informix
- 822/PAYARA-355 - thousands of ClassNotFound warnings while deploying an EAR with many WAR's
- 825/PAYARA-800 - Payara Micro Maven Deployer gives a FileNotFoundException
- 828/PAYARA-794 - NPE in LazyBootPersistenceManager if configured JNDI name does not point to a valid datasource
- 829/PAYARA-803 - No LoginModules configured for jdcbRealm on Payara Micro
- 831/PAYARA-802 - Payara Domain is missing -Djavax.xml.accessExternalSchema=all
- 834/PAYARA-799 - The exception: "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: PWC2788: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute" will occur when a web-fragment.xml with is found
- 835/PAYARA-724 - The admin console does not render escape characters on the log levels page
- 837/PAYARA-639 - Weld NPE when invalidating sessions
- 845/PAYARA-664 - NullPointerException during WebDirContext.lookupFromJars probably caused by race conditions
- 847/PAYARA-734 - Admin console should spit out a warning if JMS destination name contains a forward slash
- 852/PAYARA-795 - Payara Blue on IBM JDK invalid JVM options
- 854/PAYARA-826 - ClassNotFoundException with JSR107 annotations on stateless session bean
- 867/PAYARA-821 - JoinFetch annotation in EclipseLink ignores default
- 889/PAYARA-808 - j-interop-repackaged.jar is missing in Payara Server 162
- 893/PAYARA-853 - thread pool statistics counters not correct
- 899/PAYARA-852 - New admin console design doesn't display on Chinese, Japanese and korean
- 908/PAYARA-863 - Payara no longer starts in windows
- 920/PAYARA-900 - NPE in Payara Micro when --noCluster
- 922/PAYARA-889 - Hazelcast not booting when started from the Configurations.
- 925/PAYARA-903 - Error message for config validator gives incorrect property
- 926/PAYARA-810 - Group principal not evaluated in WS-Security context
- 933/PAYARA-911 - asadmin requesttracing-configure command not working when threshold values not explicitly specified
- 935/PAYARA-904 - asadmin fails on add-resources when creating a jdbc pool with connection validation
- 948/PAYARA-908 - asadmin healthcheck-configure-service failing on remote standalone instance without optional parameters
- 952/PAYARA-869 - Batch job xml file in META-INF/batch-jobs folder is not closed after executing batchlet
- 953/PAYARA-901 - Fix CVE-2016-3092
- 958/PAYARA-893 - Payara Micro and embedded contains different classes for jboss logging than Payara Server
- 964/PAYARA-870 - Notification Service isn't dynamic
- 967/PAYARA-945 - Race condition on restart command
- 973/PAYARA-841 - Malformed SQL Query caused by EclipseLink @JoinFetch with Table per class inheritance and secondary tables
- 988/PAYARA-960 - RequestTraceTest fails on Windows
- 990/PAYARA-961 - Set-monitoring-configuration delete property not working if property is last item in list
- 991/PAYARA-962 - Get-monitoring-configuration using --pretty output by default
- 993/PAYARA-965 - Notification or RequestTracing Service does not seem to be dynamic
- 997/PAYARA-951 - Admin Console does not prevent you setting the Request Tracing Threshold to less than 0
- 1002/PAYARA-968 - Notification starting incorrectly from the Configurations.
- 1003/PAYARA-967 - Request tracing starting incorrectly from the Configurations.
- 1007/PAYARA -970 - Validation on Request Tracing service "thresholdUnit" value.
- 1008/PAYARA-816 - Fix JAXWS Tests in Payara Blue
- 1011/PAYARA-953 - Fix CVE-2016-3607
- 1012/PAYARA-986 - Add -configuration suffix to the set commands of both request tracing and notification service.
Upstream Fixes
There have been no upstream fixes brought in for this release.
Known Issues
Known issues can be seen on our GitHub issues page here: