This project can be used in movie theaters or streaming services to show available films.
The first gif shows the animation when the application starts. The permission is also requested to write data on the mobile device.
The first time the images are loaded but the second time they will be loaded from the phone cache.
On the second gif, the user must allow the camera permission for to read QR code.
The third and fourth gifs show how the QR code reader works and adding new films to the MySQL database.
The fifth gif is an example of detailed information about the film.
You can create your own qr code yourself:
To do this, just put your values in the form below.
Go to this site -
Paste new values together with parentheses in the required field.
Your QR code will be on the right side (Example below).
It is important that your image ends with .jpg.
{ "title": "Transformers: Age of Extinction", "image": "", "rating": 6.3, "releaseYear": 2014, "genre": ["Action", "Adventure", "Sci-Fi"] }