Add support to jump to symbol definitions in the other translate units. It works well as a backend server for YouCompleteMe. If YCM requires the definition location of a symbol and what libclang gives is not, it will communicate with symdb to get the definition. Therefore the naming style of the files and code is consistent with YCM.
A compiler with at least C++14 is required. C++20 support is better. We will switch to some boost modules such as filesystem if no c++20 available. But remember it's a headache to make any dependency on the boost libraries. libclang is required to parse the c++ source files. readline is used by symcli to interact with the server for troubleshooting. They can be installed from the distribution repos. For example, run the following commands under centos:
yum install -y clang-devel readline-devel
Alternatively, you can install them on your own.
If clang is installed in the standard path, build with the following command:
cmake -S . -B build
Otherwise, you need to specify clang's root directory:
cmake -S . -B build CLANG_ROOT=/path/to/clang/root
symdb needs a compilation database to parse the compilation flags of translation units. For projects using cmake, just add the following line to your top-level CMakeLists.txt:
You need to do a little configuration before running the server. Please refer to src/server/Symdb.xml.
./symdb -c <config-file>
You can get the full command line options by:
./symdb -h