Cool little project I made for the finger game chopsticks. If you want to see self-play results for the effectiveness of my method, run Otherwise, solverGraphical should provide a decent user experience, though do note that it doesn't use my PageRank based algorithm.
You play first
If you want to play against the AI with the AI playing first, type set enter
then 11112 enter
First two numbers are your hands, second two are the computer's. Last number is the turn (1 for player 2 for computer)
The numbers describing the hands are always sorted (for example, 10111 is impossible, and would be represented by 01111)
The True/False being displayed determines if there is a forced win for either side (True means player, False means computer)
The number is essentially a "blunderscore", it determines the optimal move assuming people are moving randomly. This is used by the computer to choose moves during "drawn" positions