A project submission to The Odin Project
editing from vscode: well.. this will probably be my first website(if we ignore the websites i did in the past with the help of word press(bascically i did nothing their,so this recipies is my first website XD)) what i thought was: -sanji cooking picture -few recipies from ratatouile movie(ignore the spelling mistakes, i mean writing this on vscode with no mispelling highlighting stuff) -everything should be centre aligined period. -should be hosted from pages.cloudflare.com
edit: iam able to write only two recipies, i mean two are enough to think iam good at what TOP taught me till now.
update1: done some changes.. even though its not working :'-(
update2: finally deployed after doing trail and error methods for a small problem.. maybe developer role isnt for me i guess.. :''-(