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hardhat-deployer 0.0.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @superfluid-finance/hardhat-deployer@0.0.1
Install via package.json:
"@superfluid-finance/hardhat-deployer": "0.0.1"

About this version


This plugin brings a Superfluid framework deployer for development environments using ethers.

NOTICE: This is not suitable for public deployments. This is designed for local testing andd requires unusually high gas limits.

What does it do?

The @superfluid-finance/hardhat-deployer plugin handles deployment and initialization of Superfluid contracts in a development environment.


npm install @superfluid-finance/hardhat-deployer @superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts

Import the plugin in hardhat.config.js:


Or in a Typescript file, use the following in hardhat.config.ts:

import "@superfluid-finance/hardhat-deployer";

Required plugins


This plugin creates no additional tasks.

Environment extensions

This plugin extends the Hardhat Runtime Environment by adding the superfluidFrameworkDeployer object, of type SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer. See "Usage" for details.


NOTICE: The deployments' gas limits are set to 6 million each. The default Hardhat network configuration accomodates this, but if you use other local networks such as Anvil, you will need to manually set the network gasLimit to at least 6 million.

Once the dependency is installed and imported into the Hardhat configuration file, you can import the deployer into your test file as follows.

const { superfluidFrameworkDeployer } = require("hardhat");

Or in a Typescript file, use the following.

import { superfluidFrameworkDeployer } from "hardhat";

You can now use the deployer to deploy the framework, as well as test tokens. It is recommended to deploy these contracts before any unit tests are run.

// Note that `ethers` can be imported, assuming the `hardhat-ethers` dependency has been installed
// and imported into the Hardhat configuration file.
import { ethers, superfluidFrameworkDeployer } from "hardhat";

describe("Super App Unit Tests", async function () {
    let deployer;

    before(async function () {
        [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();

        // This deploys the entire framework.
        // This MUST happen before deploying Super Tokens.
        await superfluidFrameworkDeployer.deploy(deployer);

        // This deploys an ERC20 token and a Wrapper Super Token
        // The `deployer` has mint permission on the ERC20
        const { underlyingToken: fDAI, superToken: fDAIx } =
            await superfluidFrameworkDeployer.deployMockSuperToken("Fake DAI", "fDAI", deployer);

        // Mint 100 Fake DAI to `deployer`
        await, ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));

        // Approve Super Fake DAI for Upgrade
        await fDAI.approve(fDAIx.address, ethers.constants.MaxUint256);

        // Upgrade 100 Fake DAI to 100 Super Fake DAI
        await fDAIx.upgrade(ethers.utils.parseEther("100"));



The deploy function does the following, in order.

  1. Deploy the ERC1820Registry to its appropriate address (if not deployed)
  2. Deploy Resolver
  3. Deploy TestGovernance
  4. Register TestGovernance with Resolver
  5. Deploy Superfluid
  6. Initialize Superfluid with TestGovernance
  7. Register Superfluid with Resolver
  8. Initialize TestGovernance
  9. Deploy ConstantFlowAgreementV1
  10. Register ConstantFlowAgreementV1 with TestGovernance
  11. Deploy SlotsBitmapLibrary
  12. Deploy InstantDistributionAgreementV1 with link to SlotsBitmapLibrary
  13. Register InstantDistributionAgreementV1 with TestGovernance
  14. Deploy SuperTokenFactoryHelper
  15. Deploy SuperTokenFactory
  16. "Update Code" with TestGovernance, registering the SuperTokenFactory with Superfluid
  17. Return the Resolver address


The deployMockSuperToken function does the following, in order.

  1. Deploy ERC20PresetMinterPauser with mint and pause permission to the deployer
  2. Calls createERC20Wrapper on the SuperTokenFactory with the ERC20PresetMinterPauser
  3. Returns both in a Javascript Object



  • hardhat-deployer-0.0.1-npm.tgz

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