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Initial version of the technical report about JuliaHSL
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amontoison committed May 19, 2023
0 parents commit c0ecf10
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Showing 6 changed files with 5,036 additions and 0 deletions.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions abbrv.bib
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
@string{acta = {Acta Numer.}}
@string{acha = {Appl. Comput. Harmon. A.}}
@string{aor = {Annals of Operations Research}}
@string{anm = {Appl. Numer. Math.}}
@string{ast = {Ann. Stat.}}
@string{bit = {BIT Numer. Math.}}
@string{bmb = {B. Math. Biophys.}}
@string{cacm = {Commun. ACM}}
@string{cj = {Computer Journal}}
@string{coap = {Comput. Optim. Appl.}}
@string{cpam = {Commun. Pur. Appl. Math.}}
@string{cpc = {Comput. Phys. Commun.}}
@string{csb = {Chinese Science Bulletin}}
@string{dnam = {Report DNAM}}
@string{etna = {ETNA}}
@string{euro = {EURO J. Comput. Optim.}}
@string{geophysics = {Geophysics}}
@string{ieee-tif = {IEEE T. Inform. Theory}}
@string{ieee-tsp = {IEEE T. Signal Proces.}}
@string{ijcma = {Intern. J. of Computers and Mathematics with Applications}}
@string{ijcv = {Int. J. Comput. Vis.}}
@string{ijmpc = {Int J Mod Phys C}}
@string{ijnme = {International Journal on Numerical Methods in Engineering}}
@string{imajna = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}}
@string{infjoc = {INFORMS J. Comput.}}
@string{jacm = {J. Assoc. Comput. Mach.}}
@string{jasa = {J. Am. Stat. Assoc.}}
@string{jcam = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.}}
@string{jcm = {J. Comput. Math.}}
@string{jco = {J. Complexity}}
@string{jgc = {J. of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics}}
@string{jima = {J. I. Math. Appl.}}
@string{jmaa = {J. Math. Anal. Appl.}}
@string{jmiv = {J. Math. Imaging Vis.}}
@string{jmphy = {J. Math. Phys. Camb.}}
@string{jor = {J. Open Res. Softw.}}
@string{jota = {J. Optim. Theory and Applics.}}
@string{jrnbs = {J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand.}}
@string{jrssb = {J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B}}
@string{laa = {Linear Algebra Appl.}}
@string{mc = {Math. Comp.}}
@string{mor = {Math. Oper. Res.}}
@string{mp = {Math. Program.}}
@String{mpa = {Math. Program., Series~A}}
@String{mpb = {Math. Program., Series~B}}
@String{mpc = {Math. Program. Comp.}}
@string{mps = {Math. Program. Stud.}}
@string{mpstudy = {Math. Program. Study}}
@string{ms = {Manage. Sci.}}
@string{mtac = {Math. Tables Aids Comput.}}
@string{nac = {Report NAC}}
@string{nlaa = {Numer. Linear Algebra Appl.}}
@string{numalg = {Numer. Algor.}}
@string{nm = {Numer. Math.}}
@string{npl = {National Physical Laboratory, England}}
@string{oms = {Optim. Method Softw.}}
@string{opt = {Optimization}}
@string{opte = {Optim. Eng.}}
@string{optl = {Optim. Lett.}}
@string{optsyst = {Division of Optimization and Systems Theory, Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology}}
@string{or = {Operations Research}}
@string{orl = {Operations Research Letters}}
@string{orsajoc = {ORSA J. of Computing}}
@string{pc = {Parallel Comput.}}
@string{qam = {Q. Appl. Math.}}
@string{rairo-mm = {RAIRO-Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis---Mod\'{e}lisation Math\'{e}matique et Analyse Num\'{e}rique}}
@string{rairo-or = {RAIRO-Recherche Op\'{e}rationnelle---Operations Research}}
@string{siadm = {SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods}}
@string{siapm = {SIAM J. Appl. Math.}}
@string{sic = {SIAM J. Computing}}
@string{sico = {SIAM J. Control Optim.}}
@string{siims = {SIAM J. Imaging Sci.}}
@string{simax = {SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.}}
@string{sinum = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}}
@string{siopt = {SIAM J. Optim.}}
@string{sirev = {SIAM Rev.}}
@string{sisc = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}}
@string{sissc = {SIAM J. Sci. and Statist. Comput.}}
@string{tams = {Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.}}
@string{toms = {ACM Trans. Math. Software}}
@string{adw = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}}
@string{adw-address = {Reading, Massachusetts, USA}}
@string{aeat = {{AEA} {T}echnology}}
@string{ams = {American Mathematical Society}}
@string{ams-address = {Providence, Rhode-Island, USA}}
@string{cup = {Cambridge University Press}}
@string{cup-address = {Cambridge, England}}
@string{elsevier = {Elsevier}}
@string{freeman = {W. H. Freeman and Company}}
@string{freeman-address = {New York and San Francisco}}
@string{kluwer = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}}
@string{kluwer-address = {Dordrecht, The Netherlands}}
@string{longman = {Longman Scientific {\&} Technical}}
@string{longman-address = {Harlow, Essex, England}}
@string{macgh = {McGraw-Hill}}
@string{macgh-address = {New York, USA}}
@string{nh = {North Holland}}
@string{nh-address = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}}
@string{oup = {Oxford University Press}}
@string{oup-address = {Oxford, England}}
@string{ph = {Prentice-Hall}}
@string{ph-address = {Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA}}
@string{siam = {SIAM}}
@string{siam-address = {Philadelphia, USA}}
@string{springer = {Springer Verlag}}
@string{springer-address = {Heidelberg, Berlin, New York}}
@string{wiley = {J. Wiley and Sons}}
@string{wiley-address = {Chichester, England}}
@string{wsp = {World Scientific Publishers}}
@string{wsp-address = {Singapore}}
@string{acri-cornell = {Advanced Computing Research Institute, Cornell Theory Center}}
@string{anl = {Argonne National Laboratory}}
@string{anl-address = {Argonne, Illinois, USA}}
@string{ap = {Academic Press}}
@string{ap-address = {London}}
@string{belllabs = {Bell Laboratories}}
@string{belllabs-address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA}}
@string{caam = {Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University}}
@string{cerfacs = {CERFACS}}
@string{cerfacs-address = {Toulouse, France}}
@string{coimbra = {Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra}}
@string{coimbra-address = {Coimbra, Portugal}}
@string{compj = {Computer Journal}}
@string{cornell-address = {Ithaca, New York, USA}}
@string{crpc = {Center for Research on Parallel Computers}}
@string{cs-cornell = {Department of Computer Science, Cornell University}}
@string{damtp = {Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University}}
@string{damtp-address = {Cambridge, England}}
@string{dundee = {Department of Mathematics, University of Dundee}}
@string{dundee-address = {Dundee, Scotland}}
@string{fundp = {Department of Mathematics, University of Namur}}
@string{fundp-address = {Namur, Belgium}}
@string{gerad = {GERAD}}
@String{gerad-address = {Montr\'eal, QC, Canada}}
@String{cahier = {Cahier du GERAD}}

@string{hamburg = {Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Hamburg}}
@string{hamburg-address = {Hamburg, Germany}}
@string{harwell = {{AERE} {H}arwell Laboratory}}
@string{harwell-address = {Harwell, Oxfordshire, England}}
@string{hatfield = {Numerical Optimization Center, Hatfield Polytechnic}}
@string{ibmwatson = {T. J. Watson Research Center}}
@string{ibmwatson-address = {Yorktown Heights, NY, USA}}
@string{icase = {Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering}}
@string{icase-address = {NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia, USA}}
@string{icmsec = {Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Enginering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences}}
@string{icmsec-address = {Beijing, China}}
@string{madison = {Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin}}
@string{madison-address = {Madison, Wisconsin, USA}}
@string{mathwaterloo = {Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo}}
@string{mathwaterloo-address = {Waterloo, Ontario, Canada}}
@string{mccm = {Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics}}
@string{mccm-address = {Manchester, England}}
@string{nist = {Applied and Computational Mathematics Division}}
@string{nist-address = {National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA}}
@string{npl = {National Physical Laboratory}}
@string{npl-address = {London, England}}
@string{nwu = {Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University}}
@string{nwu-address = {Evanston, Illinois, USA}}
@string{otc = {Optimization Technology Center, Argonnne National Laboratory}}
@string{otc-address = {Argonne, Illinois, USA}}
@String{ral = {Rutherford Appleton Laboratory}}
@string{ral-address = {Chilton, Oxfordshire, England}}
@string{rice = {Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University}}
@string{rice-address = {Houston, Texas, USA}}
@string{stanford = {Department of Operations Research, Stanford University}}
@string{stanford-address = {Stanford, California, USA}}
@string{unicamp = {Department of Applied Mathematics, IMECC-UNICAMP}}
@string{unicamp-address = {Campinas, Brasil}}

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