Insert line numbers to support sync scrolling for the markdown-it markdown parser.
Inject the source line numbers into the final HTML. This gives you the anchor points to implement synchronized scrolling.
=> <p class="line" data-source-line="0">lorem</p>
Inline elements are not supported. Only the following block level elements are currently supported:
- headings
- paragraphs
- list items
- tables
This plugin was built using the markdown-it demo sync scrolling as a starting point.
node.js, browser:
npm install markdown-it-inject-linenumbers --save
bower install markdown-it-inject-linenumbers --save
var md = require('markdown-it')()
md.render('lorem') // => '<p class="source-line" data-source-line="0">lorem</p>'
Differences in browser. If you load script directly into the page, without
package system, module will add itself globally as window.markdownitInjectLinenumbers