#Blind_TEST Blind_Test is a Multiplayer/Solo Quizz Game. #IDE:
- Use IntelliJ #Requirement:
- Data Base : You have to create a local data base and create a new shema named slack-clone-db and execute the file Database.sql jAVAFX
- java 17 preferred #How to run:
- Run the server first
- Then run GUIClient for each player #Features:
- Create an Audio/Image Game.
- Choosing your own game settings.
- Join a Game shown in the right list.
- You Have to pick a username before creating or joining a game.
- In the lobby:
- Only the admin can start the game.
- Waiting till the game is started
- A list of Joined players is shown on your left.
- In the game:
- You have to pick an answer and only the first one who gets a correct answer had +1
- You can leave the game whenever you want.
- In the end of the game a final scoreboard is shown