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An Arduino library for parsing commands received over a serial port.


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An Arduino library that allows you to parse commands received over a serial port. It is optimized for low dynamic memory usage by storing commands in program memory.

  • Typed arguments with strict input validation. Valid argument types: Int, Float, String.
  • Friendly error messages for invalid input.
  • Customizable delimiter character(s), default is SPACE.
  • Customizable termination character(s), default is NL & CR.
  • Quotation marks can be used to escape delimiter character. Customizable, default is " (double quote).
  • Commands can have subcommands.
  • Methods to list commands with syntax and description.


#include "StaticSerialCommands.h"

void cmd_help(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {

Command commands[] {
    COMMAND(cmd_help, "help"),

SerialCommands serialCommands(Serial, commands, sizeof(commands) / sizeof(Command));

void setup() {

void loop() {


COMMAND macro is used to create Command object with data stored in program memory.

COMMAND(function, command)
COMMAND(function, command, subcommands)
COMMAND(function, command, subcommands, description)
COMMAND(function, command, arguments..., subcommands, description)

Simple arguments

Valid argument types: Int, Float, String
Maximum number of arguments is limited to 16.

void cmd_hello(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  sender.getSerial().print(F("Hello "));

void cmd_multiply(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  auto number1 = args[0].getInt();
  auto number2 = args[1].getInt();
  sender.getSerial().println(number1 * number2);

Command commands[] {
  // if string argument contains space it should be inside quotation marks
  // for example: name "Firstname Lastname"
  COMMAND(cmd_hello, "name", ArgType::String, nullptr, ""),
  COMMAND(cmd_multiply, "mul", ArgType::Int, ArgType::Int, nullptr, "multiply two numbers"),

Custom arguments

ARG macro is used to specify command argument type, range (if type is numeric) and name.

ARG(type, name)
ARG(type, min, max)
ARG(type, min, max, name)
void cmd_led_on(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  auto pin = args[0].getInt();
  digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
  sender.getSerial().print(F("Led "));
  sender.getSerial().println(F(" is on "));

void cmd_led_off(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  auto pin = args[0].getInt();
  digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
  sender.getSerial().print(F("Led "));
  sender.getSerial().println(F(" is off "));

Command commands[] {
  // argument should be an integer between 2 and 13
  // otherwise error message will be printed and command won't be executed
  COMMAND(cmd_led_on, "on", ARG(ArgType::Int, 2, 13, "pin"), nullptr, "turn on the led on the given pin"),
  COMMAND(cmd_led_off, "off", ARG(ArgType::Int, 2, 13, "pin"), nullptr, "turn off the led on the given pin"),

If you want to declare argument constraint into a variable, mark it as constexpr:

constexpr auto argConstraint = ARG(ArgType::Int, 2, 13, "pin");

Command commands[] {
  COMMAND(cmd_led_on, "on", argConstraint, nullptr, "turn on the led on the given pin"),
  COMMAND(cmd_led_off, "off", argConstraint, nullptr, "turn off the led on the given pin"),


An array of subcommands can only be passed to one command.
The sum of command arguments and subcommand arguments must be less than or equal to 16.
If the parent of subcommands has N arguments, the first N arguments of the subcommands will be the parent's arguments.

void cmd_help(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args);
void cmd_calc(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args);
void cmd_calc_add(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args);
void cmd_calc_mul(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args);

Command subCommands[] {
  COMMAND(cmd_calc_add, "+", ArgType::Int, nullptr, "add numbers"),
  COMMAND(cmd_calc_mul, "*", ArgType::Int, nullptr, "multiply numbers"),

Command commands[] {
  COMMAND(cmd_help, "help", nullptr, "list commands"),
  COMMAND(cmd_calc, "calc", ArgType::Int, subCommands, "calculator"),

void cmd_help(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {

void cmd_calc(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  sender.listAllCommands(subCommands, sizeof(subCommands) / sizeof(Command));

void cmd_calc_add(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  auto number1 = args[0].getInt();
  auto number2 = args[1].getInt();
  sender.getSerial().println(number1 + number2);

void cmd_calc_mul(SerialCommands& sender, Args& args) {
  auto number1 = args[0].getInt();
  auto number2 = args[1].getInt();
  sender.getSerial().println(number1 * number2);


help - list commands
calc <int> - calculator
calc <int> + <int> - add numbers
calc <int> * <int> - multiply numbers

SerialCommands methods

Public methods of SerialCommands class:

Read serial port and parse command when new line is received
If parsing is successful, command function will be called
If parsing is unsuccessful, error message will be printed

void readSerial();

Get Serial object

Stream& getSerial();

Print the command syntax

void printCommand(const Command& command);

Print command description

void printCommandDescription(const Command& command);

List all commands but not their subcommands

void listCommands();
void listCommands(const Command* commands, uint16_t commandsCount);

List all commands and their subcommands

void listAllCommands();
void listAllCommands(const Command* commands, uint16_t commandsCount);

Set delimiter characters

template<char... chars>
void setDelimiterChars();


setDelimiterChars<' '>(); // default delimiter is space
setDelimiterChars<' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'>(); // space, tab, carriage return and new line

Set termination characters

template<char... chars>
void setTerminationChars();


setTerminationChars<'\r', '\n'>(); // default termination characters are carriage return and new line
setTerminationChars<'\r', '\n', ';'>(); // carriage return, new line and semicolon

Set quotation characters

template<char... chars>
void setQuotationChars();


setQuotationChars<'"'>(); // default quotation character is double quote
setQuotationChars<'"', '\''>(); // double quote and single quote

Custom buffer size

Default buffer size is 64 bytes.
The buffer should be large enough to receive the longest command

char buffer[128];
SerialCommands serialCommands(
  commands, sizeof(commands) / sizeof(Command),
  buffer, sizeof(buffer)


If the command is not received within the specified time, the buffer will be cleared and the command will be ignored.
By default, timeout is disabled.
To enable timeout, pass timeout value in milliseconds to the constructor.

char buffer[64];
SerialCommands serialCommands(
  commands, sizeof(commands) / sizeof(Command),
  buffer, sizeof(buffer),
  1000 // 1 second


An Arduino library for parsing commands received over a serial port.







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