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day 17
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narimiran committed Dec 18, 2024
1 parent 2415fc5 commit dbaac70
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Showing 4 changed files with 255 additions and 19 deletions.
229 changes: 229 additions & 0 deletions clojure/day17.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(ns day17
{:nextjournal.clerk/auto-expand-results? true
:nextjournal.clerk/toc :collapsed}
[clojure.string :as str]))

;; # Day 17: Chronospatial Computer
;; Today we are in possesion of a 3-bit computer.
;; It has 3 registers and 8 known instructions.
;; This reminds of some previous "assembunny" tasks where the key to
;; a successful Part 2 is to disassemble the instructions, trying to figure
;; out what's really going on.

;; ## Input parsing
;; The input has two paragraphs, but we're interested only in the first
;; line of each.
(defn parse-data [input]
(let [[[[reg-a]] [program]] (aoc/parse-paragraphs input :ints)]
[reg-a program]))

(def data (parse-data (aoc/read-input 17)))

;; ## Running the computer
;; We can run the computer as it has been written in the task or we can try
;; to "decompile" the program.
;; We will write both versions and compare their performance.
;; ### Naive way
(defn combo [{:keys [a b c]} operand]
(case operand
4 a
5 b
6 c

(defn run-program [reg-a program]
(loop [{:keys [a c ip] :as state} {:a reg-a :b 0 :c 0 :out "" :ip 0}]
(if (>= ip (count program))
(:out state)
(let [instr (program ip)
operand (program (inc ip))
comb-op (mod (combo state operand) 8)
bsl (bit-shift-left 1 comb-op)
state' (case instr
0 (update state :a quot bsl)
1 (update state :b bit-xor operand)
2 (assoc state :b comb-op)
3 (cond-> state
(pos? a) (assoc :ip (- operand 2)))
4 (update state :b bit-xor c)
5 (update state :out str comb-op)
6 (assoc state :b (quot a bsl))
7 (assoc state :c (quot a bsl)))]
(recur (update state' :ip + 2))))))

;; ### Decompiling
;; Instead of executing instructions one by one, following the input program,
;; I manually "translated" each input instruction.\
;; The program is very simple and depends only on the register `A`.
;; We have a multi-arity function, as we keep the output as the second
;; argument to allow the tail-recursion with `recur`:
(defn decompile
([a] (decompile a ""))
([a out]
(if (zero? a) ; JNZ 0
(recur (quot a 8)
(-> a
(mod 8) ; BST 4
(bit-xor 1) ; BXL 1
((fn [b] ; CDV 5
(->> b
(bit-shift-left 1)
(quot a)
(bit-xor b)))) ; BXC 4
(bit-xor 4) ; BXL 4
(mod 8)
(->> (str out))))))) ; OUT 5

;; ## Part 1
;; The task is asking us to return a comma-separated output of the program:
(defn part-1 [reg-a solve-fn]
(str/join "," (solve-fn reg-a)))

;; Testing both versions, we get the same results:
(let [[reg-a program] data]
[(part-1 reg-a #(run-program % program))
(part-1 reg-a decompile)])

;; ## Part 2
;; In this part we need to find the initial value of the register `A` that
;; produces an output which is the same as the program input.
;; We can do that going backwards, from the last digit going forward when
;; we find the suitable value.
;; Due to the instructions of the program (easily visible in the `decompile`
;; function), when running a program, the next digit in the output is
;; `a % 8`, and the next iteration starts with `a // 8`.\
;; This means when going backwards, the next value is always in the
;; following set of candidates: `8*current + {0..7}`.
;; For each valid candidate so far, we check the set of potential candidates
;; and keep the ones for which running the program would output the expected
;; digits:
(defn part-2 [program solve-fn]
(let [output (str/join program)]
(loop [candidates [0]
idx (dec (count output))]
(let [wnt (subs output idx)
cands' (for [n candidates
m (range 8)
:let [n' (+ (* 8 n) m)
res (solve-fn n')]
:when (= wnt res)]
(if (zero? idx)
(first cands')
(recur cands' (dec idx)))))))

;; Once again we're running both versions:

(let [[_ program] data]
[(part-2 program #(run-program % program))
(part-2 program decompile)])

;; ## Benchmarking
;; How does the decompiled version compare to the naive version?
;; Let's find out:
;; ```
;; (require '[criterium.core :as c])
;; (let [[_ program] data]
;; (c/quick-bench (part-2 program #(run-program % program))))])
;; Evaluation count : 258 in 6 samples of 43 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 2.472719 ms
;; Execution time std-deviation : 87.113609 µs
;; Execution time lower quantile : 2.398153 ms ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 2.596704 ms (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 1.794997 ns
;; (let [[_ program] data
;; (c/quick-bench (part-2 program decompile)))])
;; Evaluation count : 3072 in 6 samples of 512 calls.
;; Execution time mean : 217.584345 µs
;; Execution time std-deviation : 25.630465 µs)
;; Execution time lower quantile : 196.510324 µs ( 2.5%)
;; Execution time upper quantile : 250.980019 µs (97.5%)
;; Overhead used : 1.794997 ns])
;; ```
;; The decompiled version is around 10 times faster!

;; ## Conclusion
;; Today was mostly about figuring out what the program does, and then
;; to come up with a way to build the output we want.
;; Will we have another task with this computer, like it was in 2019
;; with the Intcode computer?

^{:nextjournal.clerk/visibility {:code :hide :result :hide}}
(defn -main [input]
(let [[reg-a program] (parse-data input)]
[(part-1 reg-a decompile)
(part-2 program decompile)]))
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion clojure/tests/solutions_tests.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
day01 day02 day03 day04 day05
day06 day07 day08 day09 day10
day11 day12 day13 day14 day15
day16 ;day17 day18 day19 day20
day16 day17 ;day18 day19 day20
;; day21 day22 day23 day24 day25
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is run-tests successful?]]))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
(check-day 14 nil [226236192 8168])
(check-day 15 10092 1509863)
(check-day 16 [7036 45] [79404 451])
(check-day 17 nil ["7,4,2,0,5,0,5,3,7" 202991746427434])

(let [summary (run-tests)]
Expand Down
37 changes: 19 additions & 18 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,22 +51,23 @@ Ok, now we're ready for...

## AoC 2024

Task | Notebook | Extras | Comment
--- | --- | --- | ---
[Day 1: Historian Hysteria]( | [day01.clj](clojure/day01) | viz, bench | Much easier than Day 1 2023. I like it!
[Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports]( | [day02.clj](clojure/day02) | viz | The Problem Dampener would be useful for AoC!
[Day 3: Mull It Over]( | [day03.clj](clojure/day03) | viz | Regex and chill.
[Day 4: Ceres Search]( | [day04.clj](clojure/day04) | | No Más!
[Day 5: Print Queue]( | [day05.clj](clojure/day05) | | Easier than it looked initially.
[Day 6: Guard Gallivant]( | [day06.clj](clojure/day06) | anim | The guard is always right!
[Day 7: Bridge Repair]( | [day07.clj](clojure/day07) | bench | Elephants ate my homework!
[Day 8: Resonant Collinearity]( | [day08.clj](clojure/day08) | viz | Hard to understand, easy to solve.
[Day 9: Disk Fragmenter]( | [day09.clj](clojure/day09) | | Pt.2 was the hardest task so far.
[Day 10: Hoof It]( | [day10.clj](clojure/day10) | | Finally some pathfinding!
[Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles]( | [day11.clj](clojure/day11) | | Episode VI: Return of the Lanternfish
[Day 12: Garden Groups]( | [day12.clj](clojure/day12) | | Turns = sides.
[Day 13: Claw Contraption]( | [day13.clj](clojure/day13) | | Kosmo Cramer!
[Day 14: Restroom Redoubt]( | [day14.clj](clojure/day14) | viz, anim | Christmas egg: Easter tree.
[Day 15: Warehouse Woes]( | [day15.clj](clojure/day15) | anim | Sokoban.
[Day 16: Reindeer Maze]( | [day16.clj](clojure/day16) | viz | Dijkstra.
Task | Notebook | Extras | Comment
--- | --- | --- | ---
[Day 1: Historian Hysteria]( | [day01.clj](clojure/day01) | viz, bench | Much easier than Day 1 2023. I like it!
[Day 2: Red-Nosed Reports]( | [day02.clj](clojure/day02) | viz | The Problem Dampener would be useful for AoC!
[Day 3: Mull It Over]( | [day03.clj](clojure/day03) | viz | Regex and chill.
[Day 4: Ceres Search]( | [day04.clj](clojure/day04) | | No Más!
[Day 5: Print Queue]( | [day05.clj](clojure/day05) | | Easier than it looked initially.
[Day 6: Guard Gallivant]( | [day06.clj](clojure/day06) | anim | The guard is always right!
[Day 7: Bridge Repair]( | [day07.clj](clojure/day07) | bench | Elephants ate my homework!
[Day 8: Resonant Collinearity]( | [day08.clj](clojure/day08) | viz | Hard to understand, easy to solve.
[Day 9: Disk Fragmenter]( | [day09.clj](clojure/day09) | | Pt.2 was the hardest task so far.
[Day 10: Hoof It]( | [day10.clj](clojure/day10) | | Finally some pathfinding!
[Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles]( | [day11.clj](clojure/day11) | | Episode VI: Return of the Lanternfish
[Day 12: Garden Groups]( | [day12.clj](clojure/day12) | | Turns = sides.
[Day 13: Claw Contraption]( | [day13.clj](clojure/day13) | | Kosmo Cramer!
[Day 14: Restroom Redoubt]( | [day14.clj](clojure/day14) | viz, anim | Christmas egg: Easter tree.
[Day 15: Warehouse Woes]( | [day15.clj](clojure/day15) | anim | Sokoban.
[Day 16: Reindeer Maze]( | [day16.clj](clojure/day16) | viz | Dijkstra.
[Day 17: Chronospatial Computer]( | [day17.clj](clojure/day17) | bench | Intcode meets Assembunny.

5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions inputs/17.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Register A: 46337277
Register B: 0
Register C: 0

Program: 2,4,1,1,7,5,4,4,1,4,0,3,5,5,3,0

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