#Hepek Android
It's just a test app, real one under the development
note: define MQTT_USERNAME and MQTT_PASSWORD environment variables prior to building the app
#Hepek Arduino
- Convert desired wav audio to c header file with this https://github.com/olleolleolle/wav2c note: have in mind that you have very little space on ATmega328P microcontroller chip
- Build and upload the scatch
- Hook the speaker, button and RGB led or use Hepek Shield
#Hepek Arduino Shield
This was just a test of OSH Park service, works but doesn't have audio amplifier You can order one here: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/xxv7qtNv
#rc sockets
You need RC Sockets and RC 433MHz transmitter/receiver for this.
Also, get some libs mosquitto cpp: http://www.kevinboone.net/mosquitto-test.html rc-switch: https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch yaml-cpp: https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp
- Read RC codes fromremote controller
- Edit .yaml config file
- Build the app
- Set the app to run as a service in rpi
Any issues or questons, ask me at vedran at nardev dot org