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Nodemcu/ESP8266/ESP12 with MQTT, IR transmitter diode, 433Mhz RC Transmit and receive module. This is a project, as a present for my long lost fiend.... Why not to turn on an aircon before he comes home...

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hepek-iot (HEPEK)

Nodemcu/ESP8266/ESP12 with MQTT, IR transmitter diode, 433Mhz RC Transmit and receive module. This is a project, as a present for my long lost fiend.... Why not to turn on an air condition before he comes home...

I have no doubt that most of devices around us will have some kind of IOT functionality so this is just like.. transitional phase and the device which tends to IOTize existing devices which we have.


  1. Nodemcu (With ESP12E/F)
  2. Small peace of breadboard
  3. Big enough plastic chase
  4. IR diode
  5. RC transmitter
  6. RC receiver
  7. DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor
  8. Adafruit NeoPixel ring with 12 leds 5050

Software dependencies: 0. ESP8266/Arduino

  1. IRremoteESP8266 lib for arduino =>
  2. RCSwitch lib for arduino =>
  3. Adafruit DHT Humidity & Temperature Unified Sensor Library =>
  4. Adafruit NeoPixel Library =>
  5. WiFiManager =>
  6. ArduinoJson Library => ....ESP wifi/pubsub Libraries...etc...

You also need mqtt server, i prefer using mosquitto or some public, free servers

You can control IR devices like TV, Air condition etc... Also, you can buy some of RC ready sockets and nstantly start controlling some of the devices in your home. (keep in mind that such sockets have max current limitations lower than regular sockets, don't try to power up heating etc...)


In lib/WiFiManager/extras, there is "nodejs parse.js" scripts which compress all required files and place it to data/. Also, js/css files are compressed.

So, first upload those files to a ESP8266 and than put the code there. Preferably, edit settings.json with your mqtt settings. In order to test mqtt and the device, i used which is free and has very simple and reliable web interface.

Other than that, it should work out of box. (except IR/RC functionalities which are not placed here yet, i need some more testing...)


Only for now it is dumb as it can be. Check src/main.cpp to see what mqtt topics and payloads you need to send to:

  • reset ESP
  • Start Config Portal on demand
  • Turn on neopixel light etc...

The device is subscribed to a root topic and than according to a subtopics (which are predefined )

Some Images:

The device and


The web interface under the development




I recently found a project called "SmartMote" at kickstarter. Regarding the differences, i only didn't plan to provide integration with Alexa and similar devices... someone else would have to do that :D Everything else i plan to have here too.


Nodemcu/ESP8266/ESP12 with MQTT, IR transmitter diode, 433Mhz RC Transmit and receive module. This is a project, as a present for my long lost fiend.... Why not to turn on an aircon before he comes home...






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