The program reads an input file containing information about intersections and roads for an area. It maps a scalable, resizable graph using the Java Graphics Library, computes the shortest path between two intersections (nodes/vertices) provided by the user using Dijkstra's algorithm and plots in on the map, and computes the minimum spanning tree of a graph using Kruskal's algorithm (the implementation is computationally inefficient for very large datasets due to lack of O(1) data retrieval times for sets.
Tested with three files (also in the repo) in increasing order of information:
- ur.txt (~300 vertices and edges combined)
- monroe.txt (~150,000 vertices and edges combined)
- nys.txt (>1,000,000 vertices and edges combined)
- ur.txt: <1 sec
- monroe.txt: ~1 sec
- nys.txt: <2 sec
To compile, navigate to the directory containing the code source files and type:
java Main [file_name] [-show] [-directions startIntersection endIntersection] [-meridianmap]
Flags (can be used in combination with one another):
-show: to graph the map of the data
-directions startIntersection endIntersection: compute shortest path between two intersections
-meridianmap: compute the minimum spanning tree
** need to have at least one optional flag to run.