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serras committed Nov 18, 2021
1 parent 174fc92 commit 9fb1d26
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Showing 4 changed files with 49 additions and 49 deletions.
87 changes: 44 additions & 43 deletions src/Control/Monad/Trace.hs
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Expand Up @@ -125,55 +125,56 @@ instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (TraceT m) where
type StM (TraceT m) a = StM (ReaderT Scope m) a
liftBaseWith :: forall a. (RunInBase (TraceT m) b -> b a) -> TraceT m a
= coerce @((RunInBase (ReaderT Scope m) b -> b a) -> ReaderT Scope m a)
= coerce @((RunInBase (ReaderT (Maybe Scope) m) b -> b a) -> ReaderT (Maybe Scope) m a)
restoreM :: forall a. StM (TraceT m) a -> TraceT m a
= coerce @(StM (ReaderT Scope m) a -> ReaderT Scope m a)
= coerce @(StM (ReaderT (Maybe Scope) m) a -> ReaderT (Maybe Scope) m a)

instance (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => MonadTrace (TraceT m) where
trace bldr (TraceT reader) = TraceT $ do
parentScope <- ask
mbParentSpn = scopeSpan parentScope
mbParentCtx = spanContext <$> mbParentSpn
mbTraceID = contextTraceID <$> mbParentCtx
spanID <- maybe (liftBase randomSpanID) pure $ builderSpanID bldr
traceID <- maybe (liftBase randomTraceID) pure $ builderTraceID bldr <|> mbTraceID
sampling <- case builderSamplingPolicy bldr of
Just policy -> liftIO policy
Nothing -> pure $ fromMaybe Never (spanSamplingDecision <$> mbParentSpn)
baggages = fromMaybe Map.empty $ contextBaggages <$> mbParentCtx
ctx = Context traceID spanID (builderBaggages bldr `Map.union` baggages)
spn = Span (builderName bldr) ctx (builderReferences bldr) sampling
tracer = scopeTracer parentScope
if spanIsSampled spn
then do
tagsTV <- newTVarIO $ builderTags bldr
logsTV <- newTVarIO []
startTV <- newTVarIO Nothing -- To detect whether an exception happened during span setup.
run = do
start <- liftIO $ getPOSIXTime
atomically $ do
writeTVar startTV (Just start)
modifyTVar' (tracerPendingCount tracer) (+1)
local (const $ Scope tracer (Just spn) (Just tagsTV) (Just logsTV)) reader
cleanup = do
end <- liftIO $ getPOSIXTime
atomically $ readTVar startTV >>= \case
Nothing -> pure () -- The action was interrupted before the span was pending.
Just start -> do
modifyTVar' (tracerPendingCount tracer) (\n -> n - 1)
tags <- readTVar tagsTV
logs <- sortOn (\(t, k, _) -> (t, k)) <$> readTVar logsTV
writeTChan (tracerChannel tracer) (Sample spn tags logs start (end - start))
run `finally` cleanup
else local (const $ Scope tracer (Just spn) Nothing Nothing) reader

activeSpan = TraceT $ asks scopeSpan
trace bldr (TraceT reader) = TraceT $ ask >>= \case
Nothing -> reader
Just parentScope -> do
mbParentSpn = scopeSpan parentScope
mbParentCtx = spanContext <$> mbParentSpn
mbTraceID = contextTraceID <$> mbParentCtx
spanID <- maybe (liftBase randomSpanID) pure $ builderSpanID bldr
traceID <- maybe (liftBase randomTraceID) pure $ builderTraceID bldr <|> mbTraceID
sampling <- case builderSamplingPolicy bldr of
Just policy -> liftIO policy
Nothing -> pure $ fromMaybe Never (spanSamplingDecision <$> mbParentSpn)
baggages = fromMaybe Map.empty $ contextBaggages <$> mbParentCtx
ctx = Context traceID spanID (builderBaggages bldr `Map.union` baggages)
spn = Span (builderName bldr) ctx (builderReferences bldr) sampling
tracer = scopeTracer parentScope
if spanIsSampled spn
then do
tagsTV <- newTVarIO $ builderTags bldr
logsTV <- newTVarIO []
startTV <- newTVarIO Nothing -- To detect whether an exception happened during span setup.
run = do
start <- liftIO $ getPOSIXTime
atomically $ do
writeTVar startTV (Just start)
modifyTVar' (tracerPendingCount tracer) (+1)
local (const $ Just $ Scope tracer (Just spn) (Just tagsTV) (Just logsTV)) reader
cleanup = do
end <- liftIO $ getPOSIXTime
atomically $ readTVar startTV >>= \case
Nothing -> pure () -- The action was interrupted before the span was pending.
Just start -> do
modifyTVar' (tracerPendingCount tracer) (\n -> n - 1)
tags <- readTVar tagsTV
logs <- sortOn (\(t, k, _) -> (t, k)) <$> readTVar logsTV
writeTChan (tracerChannel tracer) (Sample spn tags logs start (end - start))
run `finally` cleanup
else local (const $ Just $ Scope tracer (Just spn) Nothing Nothing) reader

activeSpan = TraceT $ asks (>>= scopeSpan)

addSpanEntry key (TagValue val) = TraceT $ do
mbTV <- asks (>>= scopeTags)
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Monitor/Tracing/Zipkin.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ new (Settings mbHostname mbPort mbEpt mbMgr mbPrd) = liftIO $ do
req = HTTP.defaultRequest
{ HTTP.method = "POST"
, = BS.pack (fromMaybe "localhost" mbHostname)
, HTTP.requestHeaders = [("Content-Type", "application/json")]
, HTTP.path = "/api/v2/spans"
, HTTP.port = maybe 9411 fromIntegral mbPort
, HTTP.requestHeaders = [("content-type", "application/json")]
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions stack.yaml.lock
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
packages: []
- completed:
size: 576534
sha256: 76ba2ea759dfc59a1b2a9ea92ea2c8d418812bc57612522ce17955e19d817faa
original: nightly-2021-04-02
size: 586292
sha256: e66e70a7f998036025e8f40abc89b8eeb79c88f57727020cba1b54f375aa7ca0
original: lts-18.17
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tracing-control.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 2.0

name: tracing-control
version: 0.0.7
synopsis: Distributed tracing
An OpenTracing-compliant, simple, and extensible distributed tracing library.
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