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template: titleslide

Containers, loops, and iterators

Rupert Nash


We've pretty much only talked about working on single things at once

Simulation/analysis usually require us to deal with many things: many data points, many atoms in your MD simulation, many images to recognise objects in etc.


So we have some intuition about what this means

In C++ a container:

  • Holds objects of a uniform type

  • Owns the objects that it contains

  • Provides access to its elements

The means of access and the performance of these operations depends on the container.

Standard library containers

The standard library has 13 container template classes, but we'll only touch on a few.

  • vector - a dynamically sized contiguous array

  • array - a statically sized contiguous array

  • list/forward_list - a doubly/singly linked list

  • (unordered_)set / (unordered_)map


The size of the vector is determined at run time (and hence memory is allocated then)

The elements are contiguous in memory, so it is fast to jump to any element by index and to iterate though them.

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

void ShowData() {
  std::vector<int> data = GetData();
  for (int x: data) {
    std::cout << x << "\n";

![:thumb](Use by default - data locality often wins over algorithmic complexity)


Poorly named, but we're stuck: std::vector is not a vector in either the 3D spatial sense nor the vector space sense...

We put the type of the elements inside the angle brackets

Here we show a for loop that will iterate through every element of the vector

Why does contiguous memory => fast? Because main memory is slow, chips have caches which bring lines of memory into small high speed bits of memory on chip. They also notice when you are running through a chunk of memory and pre-fetch (or the compiler does this)



  • copy and move (if element type is noexcept moveable)

  • random element access by index

  • resize (and pre-reserving memory)

  • element insertion

  • element deletion

Note that it owns its elements: when it reaches the end of its lifetime, contained elements will also be destroyed.

Be aware that resizing operations may force reallocation and copying!

vector building

std::vector<unsigned> first_n_primes(unsigned n) {
  std::vector<unsigned> ans;

  unsigned maybe_prime = 2;

  while (ans.size() < n) {
    if (is_prime(maybe_prime)) {
    maybe_prime += 1;
  return ans;

??? Default constructor creates an empty vector

push_back adds a new value to the end of the vector

This might require a re-allocation of memory and copying the contents -

Discuss capacity.


  • Contiguous in memory but the size is fixed at compile time.

  • Almost like a vector, but you can't change the size.

  • Only difference is construction - list the values inside the braces

#include <array>
using GridPoint = std::array<int, 3>;

auto p1 = GridPoint{1,2,3};
std::cout << p1.size() << std::endl;
// Prints 3

list (and forward_list)

  • Almost always implemented as a doubly (singly) linked list.

  • Elements are allocated one by one on the heap at run time.

  • Traversal requires following pointers from one end

  • Fast element insertion and deletion (if you don't have to look for the element!)

![:thumb](Use when you will be adding and removing from the ends a lot and the contained objects are expensive to copy/move.

Consider converting to vector if you have a build/access pattern.)

set and map

  • These are associative containers implemented as sorted data structures for rapid search (typically red-black trees).

  • set is just a set of keys, map is a set of key/value pairs (types can differ).

  • You must have defined a comparison function for the key type.

  • You may want to use the unordered versions which use a hash table (requires a hash function)

![:thumb](Use if you either

  • have a large key space that mostly lacks value, or

  • will be looking up unpredictable values a lot or frequently adding/removing values. )

Map example

In some structural simulation each parallel processs might own a part of the domain.

.center[ :scale_img 60% ]

Map example

So after starting all the processes and reading the domain we might have code like this:

auto rank2comms = std::map<int, BoundaryComm>{};
for (auto p = 0; p < MPI_COMM_SIZE; ++p) {
	if (ShareBoundaryWithRank(p)) {
      rank2comms[p] = BoundaryComm(my_rank, p);
// later
for (auto [rank, bc]: rank2comm) {


Map takes two type parameters in the angle brackets: the key type and value type

What's with the square brackets? It's a structured binding similar to python's tuple unpacking


Each container has its traits
That define the places where they are great
Particularly vector
You don't need a lecture
Just use vector

Where choosing a container, remember vector is best
Leave a comment to explain if you choose from the rest

Credit - Tony van Eerd @ CppCon 2017

template: titleslide



Three types:

  • while

  • range-based for loop

  • C-style for loop


while (boolean expression) {
  // Code


The expression inside the parens can be anything that is convertable to bool

int - zero => false, anything else => true

Consider computing some prime numbers


std::vector<unsigned> first_n_primes(unsigned n) {
  std::vector<int> ans;

  unsigned maybe_prime = 2;

  while (ans.size() < n) {
    if (is_prime(maybe_prime)) {
    maybe_prime += 1;
  return ans;


condition can be a variable or a more complex condtion

Range based for loop

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

void ShowData(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (int x: data) {
    std::cout << x << "\n";



Read it as "for x in data"

Compare to python

Point out we are copying each element into a local variable x

Range based for loop

#include <vector>

void DoubleInPlace(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (int& x: data) {
    x *= 2;

??? We are making x a reference now

Changes made through it will update the value inside the container

Range based for loop

What can you iterate over here?

  • Any type with begin() and end() member functions

  • All the STL containers have this

  • Any type where you have overloads of the free functions begin and end accepting your object

C-style for loop

Familiar to C programmers

Fortran programmers will know this as a DO loop

void DoubleInPlace(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    data[i] *= 2;


This is the canonical form for a counting loop, but you can implement all sort of things

Remind people that C counts from zero (because it's how many elements to advance past the first one) up to but not including the end

Note pre-increment - do not post increment without good reason

Sometime you really need this - but should usually have a range for loop for the simple cases. "What you say when you say nothing"

template: titleslide


What is an iterator?

Let's think about a C-style for loop:

void DoubleInPlace(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) {
    data[i] *= 2;


In this function we are mixing things up

  • The way in which we iterate through data
  • The operation that we perform on it
  • The way in which we access an element

We are also requiring that data supports random access (cos operator[]). Not all containers do

Example using iterators

void DoubleInPlace(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = data.begin();
       it != data.end(); ++it) {
    *it *= 2;

This is the "old fashioned C++" way

Example using iterators

void DoubleInPlace(std::vector<int>& data) {
  for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it) {
    *it *= 2;

This uses auto to let the compiler deduce the type for you


Discuss pre-increment (optimiser is not perfect)

Discuss operator*

Discuss operator==

Implementing your own iterator

To define your own iterator, you need to create a type with several operator overloads (exactly which ones depends on the category of iterator you need). Basics are:

  • dereference operator (*it) - you have to be able to get a value (either to read or write)

  • pre-increment (++it) - you have to be able to go to the next one ![:fn](Why not post-increment? Because this has to return the value of it from before it was incremented. This usually means a copy.)

  • assigment - you need to be able to bind it to name

  • inequality comparison (it != end) - you need to know when you are done


template: titleslide


Containers exercise

In your clone of this repository, find the containers exercise and list the files

$ cd APT-CPP/exercises/containers
$ ls
Makefile	test.cpp	vector_ex.cpp	vector_ex.hpp

As before, test.cpp holds some basic unit tests.

vector_ex.cpp/.hpp hold some functions that work on std::vector - provide the implementations

The tests require that you implement, in a new header/implementation pair of files, a function to add a string to a std::map as the key, the value being the length of the string.

You will want to find the documentatation for map on

You can compile with make as before.