At a bar, a friend and I were talking about how none of our friends used Google Plus anymore. I then proceed to make a joke about it being a ghost town and how they probably have tumbleweeds blowing through their server rooms. How better to take an joke further than actually adding tumbleweeds to the rendered pages?
To clarify, I bear Google no ill will beyond being continually disappointed with their non-search product offerings.
This was initially to be a FireFox extension, with a later Chrome adaptation. However, upon further thought, it is more necessary to implement a Google-insulting plugin in Google's browser. Thus, Chrome has received the first version.
I am not really a web programmer, but I would like to be, so this extension is a good place to start. Kudos to Google for making Chrome's extension language & methodology basically the same as building a web page. Please do not judge my code too harshly. It is my first foray into Javascript etc etc.