A simple GUI based windows application built using PyQt5 for organizing your photos into multiple sub folders of your choice.
Current version v1.0, only compatible with Windows OS
- Download and Extract the PhotoOrganizer.7z folder onto your system. 📂
You can download 7Zip for extraction from here
- Run PhotoOrganizer.exe voila!!!! ✌️
- STEP 1 : Browse the images folder which you want to sort.
- STEP 2 : Type in the subfolder's name in the text field and hit "ENTER" or click "ADD FOLDER" button to create a radiobutton with the given folder name.
You won't be able to create multiple subfolders with same name.
While giving name to subfolders, special characters will be automatically removed to ensure validity of folder name as per the OS.
- STEP 3 : For each image, check the radiobutton that corresponds to the subfolder onto which you wish to move that image to.
You can review your choice for every image using the <- and -> buttons.
- STEP 4 : Once you are finished, click the "SORT" button to start sorting images according to the choices you have made.
Once sorting is completed, it will open the output folder for you.
Output folder will be created at Desktop.
Source code available at Photo_Organizer.py
UI file and resource files needed to run it must also be downloaded.
More projects available at : https://github.com/mochatek