This tutorial is currently a work in progress. This particular tutorial will eventually be part 4, but it is currently a prototype of my implementation and style. Check the issues for info about progress toward completion.
Currently, this version includes a few ideas beyond what I initially intended, primarily instancing and the beginnings of multiple pipelines.
This project was inspired by RasterTek where I found excellent tutorials on DirectX 11, and who started working on DirectX 12, but stopped abruptly for some reason. He didn't get very far, so it's my intent to pick up where he left off, and do a DirectX 12 tutorial my way.
- RasterTek: For DirectX 11 API reference, and others.
- PuzzleBobble: My own dubiously functional attempt to make a DirectX 11 game, where I expand on some RasterTek tutorials to do some interesting things.
- BraynzarSoft: The reference material here does an excellent job illustrating and explaining DirectX 12 concepts.
- Nikita Black: This is where I got a few of the ideas I implemented in here.