The MarkedView is the markdown text viewer.
It is a simple module, which enable you to convert any files into initialized view.
// xml
// Java code
import com.mittsu.markedview.MarkedView;
// call from xml
MarkedView mdView = (MarkedView)findViewById(;
// call from code
// MarkedView mdView = new MarkedView(this);
// set markdown text pattern. ('contents' object is markdown text)
// load Markdown file pattern.
// mdView.loadFile(filePath)
/* option */
// code block in scrolling be deactivated.
- Load file
Read markdown file from asset folder.
- Live rendering
Preview display on the right side of the input field.
Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.mittsu:markedview:1.0.7@aar'
- MarkedView-for-iOS
This used the following open source components.
Marked : Markdown parser written in JavaScript
highlight.js : Syntax highlighting for the Web
MarkedView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.