Fixed a bug where request body would get dropped by the compression handler in Go
Fixed an issue where multiple api clients could run into racing conditions in Go.
Fixed a bug where empty additional data in Go would lead to invalid JSON payloads during serialization.
Fixed a bug where Go serialization would write empty arrays for nil values.
Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation URL paramater data type from URL to string.
Modified TypeScript packages to provide CJS and ESM modules.
Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation query and path paramaters data type from Map to Record Type.
Modified TypeScript RequestInformation headers and options to Record type.
Modified the TypeScript RequestInformation content data type to ArrayBuffer.
Updated PHP abstractions to make property keys and values nullable in SerializationWriter.php
Fixed an issue where enum collections parsing would fail in Go.
Breaking. Kiota clients generate error types and throw when the target API returns a failed response (dotnet, go, java, typescript). #1100
Fixed missing methods for serializing/deserializing decimal values in dotnet #1252
Modified RequestBuilder types are suffixed with the ItemRequestBuilder if they belong to an item namespace to fix name collisions #1252
Modified the use of fully qualified name of types in dotnet to ensure the target type and current element are not in the same namespace #1252 .
Added the ability to configure the underlying transport in Go. #1003
Added additional date time (date, time, duration) types in the generation process. #1017
PHP Request Adapter (includes middleware) #1048 , #918 , #1024 , #1025
Added support for PHP Json Serialization.
Adds Python abstractions library. #925
Adds hostname and protocol validation in authentication. #1051
Adds Azure Identity Authentication Provider for Python. #1108
Adds JSON Serialization library for Python. #1186
Adds PHP League Authentication Provider for PHP #1201
Added Shell language support #738
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