Swaghtml generates html file with Swagger UI from swagger specification.
Supported swagger specification formats:
- json
- yaml
Download swaghtml by using:
$ go get github.com/metalrex100/swaghtml
swaghtml gen
By default swaghtml will search file with name swagger.json in your current directory and will output data to file with name swagger.html.
You can specify paths to input and output files with --input (-i)
and --output (-o)
swaghtml gen -i path_to_input_file -o path_to_output_file
$ swaghtml gen -h
Generate html file from json/yaml spec.
swaghtml gen [flags]
-h, --help help for gen
-i, --input string Path to input file with swagger spec. Can be json or yaml. (default "swagger.json")
-o, --output string Path to output html file. (default "swagger.html")