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This is bundle of Bash scripts that can help you with malicious IP addresses handling within Apache2 and Ubuntu environment.


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WWW Security Assistant

This is a bundle of scripts that can helps you with malicious IP addresses handling within Apache2 and Ubuntu Server environment. It is much more like a how-to manual rather than an application. The core of the bundle was inspired by a question on

The current project covers the following topics, that are involved into a complete mechanism. It is all about How to increase Apache2 security within Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. WWW Security Assistant (WWWSAS) > Iptables | E-mail
  2. WWW Security Assistant Installation and Setup *
  3. Iptables Basic Configuration: Save and Restore
  4. What is included in the repository about Iptables?
  5. ModEvasive for Apache2
  6. ModEvasive > WWWSAS > Iptables
  7. What is included in the repository about ModEvasive?
  8. ModSecurity 2.9 for Apache2
  9. ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.x
  10. ModSecurity Setup GeoIP (GeoLookup) Data base
  11. ModSecurity Rules Whitelisting
  12. ModSecurity Rules > WWWSAS > Iptables
  13. ModSecurity and Apache Log Files
  14. ModSecurity Log Files > Fail2Ban > Iptables
  15. ModSecurity GuardianLog > HTTPD Guardian > WWWSAS > Iptables
  16. ModSecurity GuardianLog > HTTPD Custom Analyze > WWWSAS > Iptables
  17. What is included in the repository about ModSecurity 2.9?
  18. WWWSAS MSWLRG (ModSecurity Whitelist Rules Generator)
  19. WWWSAS Flood Detector > WWWSAS > Iptables
  20. WWWSAS Post Analyse > WWWSAS > Iptables
  21. WWWSAS AbuseIPDB Integration > WWWSAS > Iptables
  22. HTTPS and Common Apache Security Tips
  23. Credits

WWW Security Assistant > Iptables | Email

Here is presented the script It could help you with the handling of the malicious IP addresses. The script has two modes.

Automatic mode

This is the mode when an external program, as Apache's mod_security, provides a malicious $IP address to the script. In this case, the syntax that invokes the script, should be: "$IP" ModSecurity '$NOTES' "$IP" FloodDetector '$NOTES' "$IP" PostAnalyse 'Number of the additional attacks' "$IP" ModEvasive # Semi deprecated "$IP" a2Analyst  # Semi deprecated "$IP" Guardian   # Semi deprecated

In this mode the script has two action stages. Also for every action it will send an email to the administrator(s).

  • First stage: for the first few 'transgressions' the source $IP will be banned for a period of time equal to the value of $BAN_TIME in the configuration file. This mode uses the command at to remove the bans.

  • Second stage: when the number of the transgressions from certain $IP becomes equal to the value of $LIMIT, this $IP address will be banned permanently through Iptables and will be added to the $WWW_SAS_BAN_LIST.

The script have a kind of integration with Via the satellite script modules/, the main script can pull and push data from their API. The necessary information about these actions will be provided within the emails sent by the main script. If you want to use this feature, you should register on and provide your API key within the configuration file - variable $AbuseIPDB_APIKEY. For more information read the relevant section below.

Via the satellite script, the main script,, will test whether the provided $IP address is a crawler - if true (by default) the script will not block the $IP but will send email to the administrator.

The script can send HTML formatted emails and plain text emails depending on your preferences provided within the configuration file - variables $EMAIL_TO and $EMAIL_TO_PLAIN. If none of these variables is set, the script execution will be discontinued (interrupted) before the email section.

Here is how one HTML formatted email looks like:

Examples email sent by the script.

Another cool feature is the embedded Whitelist Rule Generator for ModSecurity.

Manual mode

All of the wwwsas commands presented above could be used within the command line, but this so called manual mode handles few additional actions - it accepts the following options:

  • <ip-address> --DROP "log notes"

    Creates an entry into the file /etc/wwwsas/logs/black-list.log and generates a rule as:

    iptables -A WWWSAS -s $IP -j DROP
  • <ip-address> --CLEAR "log notes"

    Creates an entry into the file /etc/wwwsas/logs/clear-list.log, removes the relevant Iptables rules, removes the $IP from the history and from the $WWW_SAS_BAN_LIST:

    iptables -D WWWSAS -s $IP -j DROP
  • <ip-address> --ACCEPT "log notes"

    Creates entries in:

    • /etc/wwwsas/logs/white-list.log,
    • /etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf,
    • /etc/wwwsas/confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf and
    • /etc/apache2/mods-available/evasive.conf.
  • <ip-address> --ACCEPT-CHAIN "log notes" (this option is not recommended)

    The same as the above plus a rule as: iptables -A WWWSAS -s $IP -j ACCEPT.

  • <ip-address> --ACCEPT-REMOVE "log notes"

    Reverts the changes made by any of the ACCEPT commands.

Manual mode WEB commands

Read assets/web-commands/ for more information.


  • All configuration variables are placed in the file wwwsas.conf. It is sourced in each script of the package.

  • The script uses and the iptables chain WWWSAS, explained in the next section. It will create and maintain few files within the $WORK_DIR:

    • logs/history.log - contains the data for the previous IP addresses transgressions.
    • tmp/wwwsas.mail (.plain) - the content of the last email sent by the script.
    • logs/{white-list,black-list,clear-list,history}.log.
    • And several other files will be created .
  • The script needs a minimal configuration to send emails:

    sudo apt install mutt postfix # (alternatives) s-nail mailutils
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix  # For General type: Internet Site
    echo 'Test passed.' | mail -s Test-Email [email protected]

    If there is any configured HTTPS service its TLS certificate can be used within the Postfix service. Also see this and this Q&Ahow to use /.mailrc.

  • sudo apt install at - see man at.

  • sudo apt install jq - json parse tool.


Installation and SETUP of WWW Security Assistant

There are three main steps. The second step is used also when you need to update your local copy.

Step 1 :: Clone the repository

  • You will need git on this step, so if it is not installed just execute: sudo apt install git.

The first step is to clone the repository. The default $WORK_DIR coded in the script is /etc/wwwsas:

cd /etc
sudo git clone

You can choose another name and location for the script's home directory - within the setup process, the SETUP script will parse the current location and will apply the necessary changes:

sudo git clone /etc/wwwsas

Step 2 :: Setup WWW Security Assistant script bundle

Go inside the directory where you have cloned the repository and execute the SETUP script:

sudo ./SETUP

The SETUP could handle two parameter:

sudo ./SETUP [branch] [no-ipset]
  • $1 - branch of (default: master).

  • $2 - when it is set to no-ipset the ipset setup from the last step of the installation process will be ignored - for kernel < 2.6 (default: unset).

The SETUP will interactively guide you through the steps, described below, and will write a log file - SETUP.log, where you could obtain useful information later. For example if you want to remove WWW Security Assistant from your system, just read the log file and remove the deployed files.

  • Initially the script will check the first level dependencies. Most of them should be installed with Ubuntu Server by default, probably only colordiff, jq and at could be a missing dependency.
  1. At this step the setup will ask you to Confirm the installation (update) policies, this is a reminder of that the repository will be pulled again (let's imagine this is an update) and all of the changes made within files, that are not listed in the .gitignore file, will be lost. If you have done such changes, make a copy of the relevant files with a .local extension and they will be kept. After you are agree with that policy, the repository will be pulled and the setup will proceed.

  2. Step two - Check of the installer version - if the newly pulled SETUP file has different version the process will be gracefully interrupted and you must start it again.

  3. Environment setup - at this stage the setup script will try to parse the main configuration file wwwsas.conf - if it exists the setup will conclude this is an update and will use it. If wwwsas.conf doesn't exist you will be asked about few basic preferences, also you will be informed about the files that will be changed.

  4. The next step is Setup/Update of the WWW Security Assistant Configuration. Here the installation script will create local .conf files, based on the .example files, provided by the repo. You will be informed about each created file.

    • Such .conf files will be created in the directories /etc/wwwsas and /etc/wwwsas/conf.
    • Edit at least wwwsas.conf and tweak the first priority section - change the value of the variable $EMAIL_TO, etc.
  5. Create shell commands. The setup script will create symbolic links, for few of our scripts, into /usr/local/bin - thus they will be accessible as shell commands. Within the emails that will be sent by the main script, you will receive instructions how to use some of these commands. The created commands are:

  6. The setup script will Create few empty *.log, *.list and *.history files. We need this step because, later, we must grant the necessary write permissions to the Apache's user www-data.

  7. Setup wwwsas-crontab.

    Please review this file carefully!

    The @reboot cronjobs will restore the iptables configuration and this may be dangerous if something is not correct.

    The cronjob for will be executed on each minute (see the relevant section about this script below). You can skip this step, but doesn't consume much resources and, you will see, time-to-time it does nice work.

    The cronjob for modules/ will be executed on each hour, but this period could be decreased.

  8. Install the necessary Apache2 modules. If this is an update this step will be skipped. Otherwise the Apache's modules headers, rewrite, expires, evasive, security2 will be installed. Actually we need the module security2, that will call our script conditionally from the Apache's environment. The other are dependencies.

    The module evasive will be installed and configured but will be disabled, because modSecurity2 covers its functionality in a better way by the CRS rules 900700 and 900260 - see the next section. Here is an explanation: Apache2 mod_evasive vs mod_security with OWASP crs when protecting against DDOS?

    The repository modsecurity-crs will be installed as dependency of modSecurity2, but we will install a newer version later, so this package will be removed by the setup script.

  9. Install ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.x, GeoLite2. The SETUP script will clone the latest stable version of ModSecurity CoreRuleSet in the directory defined in Step 3 (above) - currently this is version v3.3/master. If this is an update this step will be skipped.

  10. Setup Apache. The setup will try to (re)create the default Apache's log directory (just in case). Next the setup will change the ownership of the file wwwsas/tmp/execution.log to www-data, thus it will be able to write execution logs. Then the setup script will ask to:

    • Create a file within /etc/sudoers.d/ with purpose to allow to www-data to execute our script by sudo without password. This is a little bit dangerous step, so you will be asked to open and save this new file by the command visudo to confirm there is not a problem!

    • Create or update preset basic templates for (1) apache2.conf (note: first will be created apache2.conf.template and then it will be compared with your existing .conf file), (2) sites-available/wordpress.conf.template and (3) sites-available/mediawiki.conf.template. If you want, you could use them within your configuration further.

  11. Setup ModEvasive. Here you must replace the existing apache2/mods-available/evasive.conf file with the new one that involve our main script to ModEvasive's setup. The setup will (re)create the ModEvasive's log directory, chosen before.

  12. Setup ModSecurity. The setup will (re)create the ModSecurity's log directory, chosen before.

    If this is a new installation, the setup will create default .conf files from the examples that comes with the relevant installation packages. These files are:

    • /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf
    • /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/crs-setup.conf
    • /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf
    • /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf

    After that these files will be compared with the .example files that comes with our repository (wwwsas) under the directory assets/. If this is an update only this step will be performed.

    Here you must replace the existing .conf files with the new ones that involve our main script to ModSecurity's setup. Or you must edit these files in a appropriate way. The installation script will update also the file apache2/mods-available/security2.conf that includes the above configuration files within the Apache's configuration.

    Further the installer will setup logrotate entry for the ModSecurity logs and also crontab for the GeoIP DB update script used by ModSecurity CRS rules. Finally the file assets/www/wwwsas.issues.php will be created (it is local and you can edit it as you wish). This file will be sym-linked to each first level sub directory in /var/www where ModSecurity will redirect the bad guys.

  13. Iptables minimal configuration. At this stage the rules listed below will be applied.

    iptables -N WWWSAS              # Create the chain where will push rhe bad gays
    iptables -A INPUT -j WWWSAS     # Attach the new chain to the default INPUT chain
    iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -p all -j ACCEPT                                  # Accept the loopback input
    iptables -I INPUT 2 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT    # Allow 3 way handshake

    For more advanced configuration you can carefully check and apply the file iptables.basic-setup.local.

  14. [DEPRECATED SETUP] CHECK [WWWSAS.CRONTAB] Setup Iptables SAVE and RESTORE at REBOOT. At this step the setup script will create the following symbolic links, thus the process of save and restore of the Iptables configuration at reboot will be automated.

    ln -s '/etc/wwwsas/firewall/' '/etc/network/if-post-down.d/iptables-save'
    ln -s '/etc/wwwsas/firewall/firewall/' '/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables-restore'

    The scripts and uses the file confs/iptables.current-state.conf to keep and read the latest state of the Iptables configuration.

    Also the main script calls each time when a new rule is issued.

  15. [DEPRECATED SETUP] CHECK [WWWSAS.CRONTAB] Setup Ipset SAVE and RESTORE at REBOOT. This step is similar as the above - it will not be processed, if you have run the SETUP script with the no-ipset option enabled. Currently the tool ipset is used within the script iptables.basic-setup.local to be created a real port scanning protection.

Step 3 :: Post setup configuration

Once the SETUP is finish, you have to do few more things.

  1. Edit the file wwwsas.conf, review the assigned values, and provide values for the following variables:

    • AbuseIPDB_APIKEY= Your API v2 key obtained at
    • MaxMindGeoLite2_LICENSE_KEY= Your license key obtained at
  2. Execute the commands sudo wwwsas <your-server-ip> --ACCEPT "My server's public IP" and sudo wwwsas <another-ip> --ACCEPT 'My home network public IP'. These commands will add whitelist entries for the provided IPs into the files:

    • /etc/wwwsas/logs/white-list.log
    • /etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf
    • /etc/wwwsas/confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf
    • /etc/apache2/mods-available/evasive.conf

    Thus, for example, the ModSecurity's disruptive rules sometimes will block your access, but will send you only emails with instructions how to whitelist similar actions, without issue DROP rules to Iptables...

  3. Read the SETUP.log file (if you think you've miss something) and restart Apache2.

. Read the next section - Iptables – Basic Configuration - and engage Iptables to work for you.

Test the Installation

  • Represent yourself as $AGENT and check whether the Automatic MODE works properly: Guardian

    Then check your e-mail, type iptables -L WWWSAS -n, review the files logs/history.log and tmp/wwwsas.mail. Run the above command 5 times and review the files logs/black-list.log and iptables.current-state.conf.

  • Check whether the Manual MODE works properly - add your localhost to the White List: --ACCEPT "Server's localhost IP"

    Then check the file logs/white-list.log.

Please keep reading. The rest of this tutorial is about the integration of the script and the whole system. More verbose explanations for some things could be found in the file

Most of the things (if not all) described below are already done by the SETUP script, but probably you may want to know what exactly is done.

Iptables :: Basic Configuration :: Save and Restore

Basic configuration

Please read this manual before adding the following rules.

# Accept the loopback input; Allow 3 way handshake
sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -i lo -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -I INPUT 2 -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED,DNAT -j ACCEPT

# Allow incoming connections to the SSH/HTTP/HTTPS ports
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT

# Define the default policies.
# Without the above rules, '-P INPUT DROP' may lock you out of your system!
sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT

In addition:

# Check up
sudo iptables -S [-t mangle | -t raw]
sudo iptables -L [-t mangle | -t raw]
sudo iptables -L WWWSAS -n --line-numbers

# If you need to Flush all tables,
# first switch the default behavior of the INPUT chain to ALLOW!
sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
sudo iptables -F
  • Before you do the next actions try to establish a new SSH connection to make sure everything is fine!

Save and Restore Iptables configuration

This could be achieved via custom scripts, that will save and restore the iptables coning during system's stop-start (or reboot) process. (If we using UFW to setup Iptables rules this step is not needed.)

$ cat firewall/
/sbin/iptables-save > /etc/wwwsas/confs/iptables.current-state.conf
/sbin/ip6tables-save > /etc/wwwsas/confs/ip6tables.current-state.conf
exit 0
$ cat firewall/
/sbin/ipset restore < /etc/wwwsas/confs/ipset.current-state.conf
/sbin/ip6tables-restore < /etc/wwwsas/confs/ip6tables.current-state.conf
exit 0
sudo chmod +x /etc/wwwsas/firewall/
sudo chmod +x /etc/wwwsas/firewall/


sudo ln -s /etc/wwwsas/firewall/ /etc/network/if-post-down.d/iptables-save
sudo ln -s /etc/wwwsas/firewall/ /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables-restore

Create new chain

Create new chain, called WWWSAS and insert it as number 3 into the INPUT chain:

sudo iptables -N WWWSAS
sudo iptables -I INPUT 3 -j WWWSAS

Test the Iptables Basic Configuration, Save and Restore

Reboot the system and check the configuration. Use sudo systemctl reboot (do not use the force option reboot -f). When the system is back on line we can check if the newly created chain exists by:

sudo iptables -L WWWSAS -n

Note: on some VPSes there is a problem with the scripts placed in /etc/network/if-post-down.d/. But will save our iptables configuration on the key stages when a permanent drop (ban) rule is issued, so we do not need to worry about this bug.

References about Iptables Basic Configuration, Save and Restore

What is included in the repository about Iptables

ModEvasive for Apache2

ModEvasive is an evasive maneuvers module for Apache to provide evasive action in the event of an HTTP DoS or DDoS attack or brute force attack. It is also designed to be a detection tool, and can be easily configured to talk to ipchains, firewalls, routers, and etcetera. Read more...

Installation of ModEvasive for Apache2

  • Install and enable the module:

    sudo apt install libapache2-mod-evasive
    sudo a2enmod evasive
  • Create Log Directory and make it accessible for www-data:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/log/apache2_mod_evasive
    sudo chown www-data /var/log/apache2_mod_evasive
  • Adjust the basic configuration – comment out and edit certain directives in the configuration file:

  • Restart Apache: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service.

Test ModEvasive for Apache2

  • Open a web page from your server and refresh the browser window few times intensively (usually F5 can be used) - you must get 403 Forbidden error message (that will remains several seconds) and also, into the log directory, will be generated a new lock file. This file should be deleted for further transgressions detection from this IP address.

References about ModEvasive for Apache2

ModEvasive > WWWSAS > Iptables

Here we will configure mod_evasive to talk to iptables through the, created in the above section.

  • Edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/evasive.conf in this way:

    <IfModule mod_evasive20.c>
        DOSHashTableSize    3097
        DOSPageCount        9
        DOSSiteCount        70
        DOSPageInterval     2
        DOSSiteInterval     2
        DOSBlockingPeriod   10
        #DOSEmailNotify     [email protected]
        DOSLogDir           "/var/log/apache2_mod_evasive"
        DOSSystemCommand    "sudo /etc/wwwsas/ %s 'ModEvasive' 'AutoMode' >> /etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log 2>&1"
  • Create the log directory:

    sudo mkdir /var/log/apache2_mod_evasive
    sudo chown www-data /var/log/apache2_mod_evasive
  • Create log file and Restart the Apache server:

    mkdir -p /etc/wwwsas/tmp
    sudo chown www-data /etc/wwwsas/tmp
    sudo touch /etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log
    sudo chown www-data /etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log
    sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
  • Restart the Apache server:

    sudo systemctl restart apache2.service

To test this configuration we can simulate DDOS attack via the F5 method, mentioned above, or we can use a commands as ab, hping3, etc.

Attention: Be careful because the rule iptables -A WWWSAS -s $BAD_IP -j DROP, used in the script, will DROP all new connections from the source $BAD_IP, including the SSH connections. It is good to have a backup way to connect to the server during the tests. Or you can modify this rule to work only with the HTTP/HTTPS ports.

What is included in the repository about ModEvasive

  • Within the folder assets/etc/apache2/mods-available is included a pre-configured file evasive.conf, it will be deployed by the SETUP.
  • The log directory and the mentioned log file also will be created during the setup process.
  • The module evasive will be installed and configured but will be disabled, because modSecurity2 covers its functionality in a better way by the CRS (see the next section) rules 900700 and 900260. Here is an explanation: Apache2 mod_evasive vs mod_security with OWASP crs when protecting against DDOS?

ModSecurity 2.9 for Apache2

ModSecurity is a web application firewall engine that provides very little protection on its own. In order to become useful, ModSecurity must be configured with rules. In order to enable users to take full advantage of ModSecurity out of the box, Trustwave's Spider Labs is providing a free certified rule set for ModSecurity™ Core Rules provide generic protection. Read more...

  • Please note ModSecurity 3.0 is already available, but there is not yet available connector for Apache2.

Installation of ModSecurity 2.9 for Apache2

  • Install and enable the module:

    sudo apt install libapache2-mod-security2 --no-install-recommends
    sudo a2enmod security2

    We are using --no-install-recommends because otherwise modsecurity-crs will be installed (check by: apt show libapache2-mod-security2), but the version from the repository usually is outdated than the master's branch in GitHub, that we will use later here.

  • Create configuration file:

    sudo cp /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf-recommended /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf

    Read and edit /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf carefully! Add or change at least the following directives:

    # -- Rule engine initialization ----------------------------------------------
    SecRuleEngine On
    # -- Debug log configuration -------------------------------------------------
    SecDebugLogLevel 2
    SecDebugLog "/var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_debug.log"
    # -- Audit log configuration -------------------------------------------------
    SecAuditLog "/var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_audit.log"
    # -- Guardian log configuration -------------------------------------------------
    SecGuardianLog "/var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_guardian.log"
    # The following is examples how to pipe the log to an external script(s):
    SecGuardianLog "|/etc/wwwsas/modules/"
    SecGuardianLog "|/etc/wwwsas//etc/wwwsas/httpd-custom-analyze.bash"
    • In the current version of WWW Security Assistant the scripts and /etc/wwwsas/httpd-custom-analyze.bash are available but are disabled by default.
  • The file /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/security2.conf involves /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf into the Apache's configuration. At this stage security2.conf shall look as this:

    <IfModule security2_module>
        SecDataDir /var/cache/modsecurity
        IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/*.conf
  • Create Log Directory:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/log/apache2_mod_security
  • Setup log rotation. First create config file:

    sudo cp /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 /etc/logrotate.d/wwwsas-apache2-modsecurity2

    Then edit the new file in this way:

    /var/log/apache2_mod_security/*.log { … }
  • Restart Apache: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service.

  • To force the logrotate use the command: sudo logrotate --force /etc/logrotate.d/wwwsas-apache2-modsecurity2

Test ModSecurity 2.9 for Apache2

  • If you enable the base rules, try to access (source):

    http://<YOUR_HOST>/?param='; drop database test; --

    You should see entries in /var/log/apache2/error.log and /var/log/apache2/modsec_audit.log.

  • Create an additional configuration file in /etc/modsecurity, call it for example wwwsas-rules.conf, and add the following rule as its content:

    # Directory traversal attacks
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "../" "t:urlDecodeUni, deny, log, id:109"

    Restart the server: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service. Open your browser and type The result will be: 403 Forbidden. Check the log files in /var/log/apache2_mod_security for more details.

    To make the things more fun place the script wwwsas.issues.php.example within your DocumentRoot, name it issues.php and then modify the above rule in the following way:

    # Directory traversal attacks with redirection
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "../" "t:urlDecodeUni, deny, log, id:109, redirect:'/issues.php'"
    • Here can be used also URL redirect:'

    Restart the server, then open your browser and type ;-) The idea is borrowed from the SE's script BotLovin.cs.

    Edit /etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf once again and comment (disable) the rule, it was just a test example and it is covered by OWASP CRS, described in the next section.

  • Here is another example where we will redirect all wp-admin page requests, but except these from certain IP addresses (note the chain):

    # Block wp-admin access
    SecRule REQUEST_URI "^/wp-admin" \
          "id:108, log, deny, status:403, t:lowercase, \
           chain, \
              SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "!@ipMatch,"

    Here we have two disruptive actions: (1) deny, status:403 and (2) redirect:'/issues.php'. Actually we do not need of the deny action because it will be override by the redirect action.

References about ModSecurity 2.9 for Apache2

ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.x

In Ubuntu 20.04 you can install CSR by the command apt install modsecurity-crs (more details about this approach can be fund in this manual), but the version from the repository usually is outdated than the master's branch in GitHub. So here we will install CRS v3.3/master - detailed instructions are provided within the Installation manual of v3.3/master. So before begin please remove the Ubuntu's repository version of modsecurity-crs and install Git if it is not available yet.

  • If this is an update this step will be skipped.
sudo apt purge modsecurity-crs
sudo apt install git

Installation of ModSecurity Core Rule Set 3.x

Note from mid-May 2020, SpiderLabs/OWASP-MODSEC-CRS was converted to a comunity project. This new project has its owno website and GitHub repository:

Installation steps - theese steps will be automatically done by the SETUP process:

  • Clone CSR into the directory /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset and update the GeoIP data base:

    cd /etc/modsecurity
    sudo git clone --branch v3.3/master
  • Create configuration files:

    sudo cp /etc/modsecuritycoreruleset/crs-setup.conf{.example,}
    sudo cp /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf{.example,}
    sudo cp /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf{.example,}

    Edit these file according to the instruction given inside them.

  • Update the Apache's configuration. Edit /etc/apache2/mods-available/security2.conf in this way:

    <IfModule security2_module>
        SecDataDir /var/cache/modsecurity
        IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/*.conf
        IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/crs-setup.conf
        IncludeOptional /etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/*.conf

    Save the file and then restart Apache: sudo systemctl restart apache2.service.

ModSecurity Setup GeoIP (for GeoLookup) Data base

Quote from the section GeoIP Database from the file crs-setup.conf

# To use geolocation, we make use of the MaxMind GeoIP database. 
# This database is not included with the CRS and must be downloaded.
# There are two formats for the GeoIP database. ModSecurity v2 uses GeoLite (.dat files),
# and ModSecurity v3 uses GeoLite2 (.mmdb files)

In this tutorial we are going to setup ModSecurity v2.9, respectively GeoLite (.dat files). Here is the reference manual: MaxMind GeoLite2 Free Geolocation Data. We will use the direct download method (but you can chhose some other method...) and will do the database updates via shell script, instead of GeoIP Update.

1. The first step, according to the documentation, is to clone the tool geolite2legacy. Here we will clone it within the directory /etc/modsecurity.

cd /etc/modsecurity
sudo git clone

Currently, November 2020, there is a small bug, described in this issue, so we need to apply the respective patch.

cd /etc/modsecurity/geolite2legacy/
sudo git apply ../../wwwsas/assets/etc/modsecurity/geolite2legacy/geolite2legacy.wwwsas.patch
  • Then you can use git diff to see the changes.

2. The second step is to create an account at MaxMind. Then log-in into the account, go to the section Manage License Keys and press the button Generate new license key - generate key for geoipupdate > 3.1.1 and download the config file.

3. The third step is to download a copy of GeoLite2-Country data base.

sudo mkdir /etc/modsecurity/geolite2data/
sudo curl '' --output '/etc/modsecurity/geolite2data/'
# sudo curl '' --output '/etc/modsecurity/geolite2data/'
  • Where YOUR_LICENSE_KEY is the license key obtained above. Actually we need only the Country data base.

4. The fourth step is to conver the downloaded (country) data base in .dat format.

cd /etc/modsecurity/geolite2data/
sudo ../geolite2legacy/ -i -f ../geolite2legacy/geoname2fips.csv -o GeoIP.GeoLiteCountry.dat

5. The fifth step is to modify your /etc/modsecurity/coreruleser/crs-setup.conf file. Update the relevant line in this way

SecGeoLookupDB /etc/modsecurity/geolite2data/GeoIP.GeoLiteCountry.dat


The script modules/ will perform step 3, 4, 5 automatically if there is a correct value for MaxMindGeoLite2_LICENSE_KEY= in the file wwwsas.conf.

The SETUP script will automatically clone and apply geolite2legacy.wwwsas.patch. Also it will create /etc/cron.d/wwwsas-geoip-update that will run two times a week.

When you finish the SETUP process, edit the file wwwsas.conf and provede correct value for MaxMindGeoLite2_LICENSE_KEY=. Then run to download the GeoIP Data base for the first time.

ModSecurity Rules Whitelisting

Whitelisting of ModSecurity Rules could be done via the following ModSec directives, that can be used system wide or within virtual host's configuration, also globally, for specific directories or location matches:


Disable mod_security2 for phpMyAdmin. Change /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf in this way:

<Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin>
    <IfModule security2_module>
        SecRuleEngine Off

Disable specific rules for certain directory:

<Directory /var/www/html>
    <IfModule security2_module>
        SecRuleRemoveById 973301

Disable rules globally. For this purpose we must add our directives somewhere in Apache's configuration files: /etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf is a good place.

  • Disable rules within the entire Apache's configuration:

    SecRuleRemoveById 973301 950907
  • Whitelist an IP address so it can pass through ModSecurity:

    SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@ipMatch" "phase:1,nolog,allow,ctl:ruleEngine=Off,ctl:auditEngine=Off"
  • Disable rules within Directory match:

    <Directory /var/www/mediawiki/core>
        SecRuleRemoveById 973301 950907
  • Update rule's action by its ID within Location match:

    <LocationMatch "/index.php.*">
        SecRuleUpdateActionById 973301 "pass"
        SecRuleUpdateActionById 950907 "pass"

In the above examples we assume that 973301 and 950907 are rule IDs that obstruct the normal work of our web apps. We can find rules as these by an analyze of the file modsec_audit.log, where at the bottom we will find entries that cantons strings as: [id "973301"] and [id "950907"]:

cat /var/log/apache2/mod_security2/modsec_audit.log | grep -Ewo 'id \"[0-9]{1,10}' | sed 's/id \"//' | sort -r | uniq

References about ModSecurity Rules Whitelisting

ModSecurity Rules > WWWSAS > Iptables

Here are given few more examples how to create custom SecRules, also how we can call WWW Security Assistant Script (WWWSAS) through them.

Initial Setup - create an additional startup scrip

We need of an additional startup scrip - modules/ The reason is that, ModSecurity's exec action has too simple and limited syntax. If you look inside the script you will see few variables, that are exported by ModSecurity: $REQUEST_URI, $ARGS, $SERVER_NAME, $REMOTE_ADDR, $REMOTE_HOST and $UNIQUE_ID. The other variables are explained inside the script.

Create custom rule and call our scripts through it

First let's create a rule that will execute modules/ (and call when the request URI contains a word that is included in our blacklist. Open /etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf and add the following lines to the bottom:

# REQUEST_URI words blacklist
SecRule REQUEST_URI "@pmFromFile /etc/wwwsas/confs/" \
    "id:150, log, t:lowercase, chain, \
     drop, deny, status:403, redirect:'/issues.php'"
     SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "!@ipMatchFromFile /etc/wwwsas/confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf" \
        "setenv:REMOTE_HOST=%{REMOTE_HOST}, \
         setenv:ARGS=%{ARGS}, \
  • REQUEST_URI - this variable contains the full URI from the current request. The rule could be more wide: SecRule REQUEST_URI|ARGS|REQUEST_BODY ...

  • @pmFromFile will read the file confs/ that contains list of phrases, where each specific phrase or word is placed into a new line. You can collect interesting words and phrases from the log files. If there is a particular match between REQUEST_URI and our list of patterns the rule will be applied. The file could be empty, but you must create (touch) it.

  • The log action will create log entries in the log files for this rule with id:150.

  • drop, deny (with status) and redirect actions belong to the disruptive group of actions, they must be in the beginning of the rule chain (if there is a chain). The second action will override the first one and the third will override the second, so you must choice which you want to be performed and can delete the others.

  • chain action will call the next rule of of the chain, note that second rule, doesn't have id.

  • REMOTE_ADDR contains the IP address of the request.

  • @ipMatchFromFile will the file confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf that contains white-list of IP addresses, separated at new lines. CIDR entries are also acceptable. Because the disruptive action is always located in the leading rule of the chain it will be applied, but when certain IP is in this white list the exec action will not be applied. The file could be empty, but you must create (touch) it.

  • exec action will call our external script. This action isn't disruptive and will be executed when the current rule return true. When this action is applies the remote IP will be processed through our scripts.

  • setenv this action will export certain internal variables =%{...} as envvars, exported names can be different from the internals. Some variables must be exported manually, some other are exported automatically - probably it is a small bug (in some cases the manual export with the same names, for example setenv:REQUEST_URI=%{REQUEST_URI}, will cause a blank value of the exported variable).

Test the new custom rule and call our scripts

Let's assume you do not have Joomla on your server, edit the file confs/ and add a line with content /joomla. Then type in your browser You should be redirected and blocked through Iptables. Clear the records sudo <your-ip> --CLEAR 'some note', add your IP in confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf and do the exercise again. Now you should be redirected, but not blocked.

Connect our scripts with OWASP Core Rule Set 3.x

To do that we will update the default action of the Anomaly Mode Rules (949110 and 959100). For this purpose edit the file /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity-crs/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf and add the next lines to the bottom:

# -- Anomaly Mode - Update actions by ID -----
SecRuleUpdateActionById 949110 "t:none, drop, deny, status:403, redirect:'/issues.php', \
     setenv:REMOTE_HOST=%{REMOTE_HOST}, setenv:ARGS=%{ARGS}, \

SecRuleUpdateActionById 959100 "t:none, drop, deny, status:403, redirect:'/issues.php', \
     setenv:REMOTE_HOST=%{REMOTE_HOST}, setenv:ARGS=%{ARGS}, \

# -- Whitelist some URI and IP addresses -----
#    Unfortunately @pmFromFile doesn't work here as it is expected;
#    The regexp below is a working example, that will whitelist some WordPress and MediaWiki actions.
SecRule REQUEST_URI "^/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php*|^/index\.php\?title=.*&action=(submit|raw&ctype=text/javascript|raw&ctype=text/css)$" \
    "id:'999010', t:none, phase:1, pass, \
     ctl:ruleRemoveById=949110, \

SecRule REMOTE_ADDR "@ipMatchFromFile /etc/wwwsas/confs/modsec.ip.white-list.conf" \
    "id:'999020', t:none, phase:1, pass, \
     ctl:ruleRemoveById=949110, \

Test the connection between OWASP ModSecurity CRS and WWWSAS

Don't forget to restart (or reload) Apache to apply the configuration changes. Don't forget to clear the records periodically during the tests, otherwise you can be blocked permanently :-)

Simulate directory traversal attack:                         # This should be redirected and blocked  # This should pass because of the whitelist rule

Simulate SQL Injection attack:'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'1&password=1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'1&password=1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'1'%20or%20'1'%20=%20'1'))/*&password=foo

References about ModSecurity Rules

ModSecurity and Apache Log Files

The Apache web server can be configured to give the server administrator important information about how it is functioning... The main avenue for providing feedback to the administrator is through the use of log files. Read more...

ModSecurity has powerful logging mechanism. By the directive SecGuardianLog it provides a log feed specially designed to work with external scripts.

Currently the only tool known to work with guardian logging is httpd-guardian, which is part of the Apache httpd tools project. The httpd-guardian tool is designed to defend against denial of service attacks. It uses the blacklist tool to interact with an iptables-based... firewall, dynamically blacklisting the offending IP addresses. Read more...

References about ModSecurity and Apache Log Files

ModSecurity Log Files > Fail2Ban > Iptables

It is possible to setup Fail2Ban for data parsing of Apache's log files. modsec_audit.log is probably the best choice, but see also the sections where we talk about of SecGuardianLog.

Take care that SecAuditLogRelevantStatus in /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf is commented. Otherwise everyone that receives a 404 error page would be blocked by fail2ban.

SecAuditEngine RelevantOnly
#SecAuditLogRelevantStatus "^(?:5|4(?!04))"

Currently Fail2Ban is not implemented in any way in this project.

References (ModSecurity Log Files > Fail2Ban > Iptables)

ModSecGuardianLog > HTTPD-Guardian > WWWSAS > Iptables

httpd-guardian - detect DoS attacks by monitoring requests Apache Security, Copyright (C) 2005 Ivan Ristic - is designed to monitor all web server requests through the piped logging mechanism. It keeps track of the number of requests sent from each IP address... httpd-guardian can either emit a warning or execute a script to block the IP address...

This script can be used with Apache2 logging mechanism, or with ModSecurity (better).

Installation and Setup within the Current Circumstances

Pre-configured copy of tge script httpd-guardian is included in the repository and will be deployed during the setup process. Also the necessary changes in the ModSecurity's configuration will be applied. The customization made inside the script is:

my $PROTECT_EXEC = "exec /etc/wwwsas/ %s 'Guardian' 'AutoMode' >> /etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log 2>&1";
my $THRESHOLD_1MIN = 3; # 120 requests in a minute
my $THRESHOLD_5MIN = 2; # 360 requests in 5 minutes
my $COPY_LOG = "/var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_guardian.httpdguardian.log";
my $SAVE_STATE_FILE = "/etc/wwwsas/tmp/httpd-guardian.state";

Apply the following change within Apache's configuration (/etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf), then restart it:

#SecGuardianLog /var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_guardian.log
SecGuardianLog "|/etc/wwwsas/modules/"

Test ModSecGuardianLog > HTTPD-Guardian > WWWSAS > Iptables

To test the script disable ModEvasive (sudo a2dismod evasive don't forget to enable it later) and restart Apache. Then tail the exec log:

tail -F /etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log

And from another instance perform DoS attack, for example use ab in this way:

for i in {1..20}; do (ab -n 200 -c 10 &); done

ModSecGuardianLog > HTTPD Custom Analyze > WWWSAS > Iptables

Here is presented a simple script, called httpd-custom-analyze.bash, that isn't something special but could be a nice example. Its features are described within the script's body.

Installation and Setup

Pre-configured copy of tge script httpd-custom-analyze.bash is included in the repository and will be deployed during the setup process. Also the necessary changes in the ModSecurity's configuration will be applied.

Apply the following change within Apache's configuration (/etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf), then restart it:

#SecGuardianLog /var/log/apache2_mod_security/modsec_guardian.log
#SecGuardianLog "|/etc/wwwsas/modules/"
SecGuardianLog "|/etc/wwwsas/httpd-custom-analyze.bash"
  • The script will call when the threshold is reached.

  • The script can pipe the SecGuardianLog also to modules/ so both will work simultaneously. Currently ths option is disabled - see line 35.

  • Within the current configuration to get both httpd- scripts to work simultaneously edit /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf and pipe SecGuardianLog to both.

  • To perform a test follow the tips from the above section.

What is included in the repository about ModSecurity

  • Within the folder assets/etc/apache2/mods-available is included the pre-configured file security2.conf, it will be deployed by the SETUP.
  • In the main directory is included the script modules/
  • Within the assets/ folder are included the following pre-configured configuration files, they will be deployed on their places by the SETUP and contain more examples and integration rules:
    • etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf
    • etc/modsecurity/wwwsas-rules.conf
    • etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/crs-setup.conf
    • etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf
    • etc/modsecurity/coreruleset/rules/RESPONSE-999-EXCLUSION-RULES-AFTER-CRS.conf
  • The log directory also will be created during the setup process.

WWWSAS ModSecurity Whitelist Rules Generator

The tool is able to parse the ModSecurity's audit log file (modsec_audit.log) and generate whitelisting rules, based on the REQUEST_URI. The necessary configuration data must be provided within wwwsas.conf. The common call syntax is:

wwwsas-modsec-whitelist-rg '999999'|'active-rules' ['latest-log'|'unique-id' '27-CharactersLong-UniqueID']

Where 999xxx is the id of the new rule that will be generated. When the value is 999999 the script will parse and calculate the id number automatically, based on the values of $MOD_SECURITY_WHITELIST_FILE and $SECURITY_RULE_PARSE_METHOD from the configuration file. When the value is active-rules (used by, it just will output information about the rules involved in the thread.

The script has two modes:

  • latest-log - in this mode the script will parse the last thread from the audit log (provided by the value of $MOD_SECURITY_AUDIT_LOG within the configuration file). This is the default mode, when the script is called without arguments (or only with the first one).

  • unique-id - in this mode the script will parse the thread, from the audit log file, by its Unique ID. This is the powerful and useful mode.

Within the emails sent by the main scrip (www-security-assistant) you will receive nice prepared command for the current thread, that will look as:

sudo modsecurity-whitelist-rule-generator '999999' 'unique-id' 'W7d0wZeJo61rdV@mr9@S1AAA'

WWWSAS Flood Detector > WWWSAS > Iptables

The script modules/ is designed to analyse the output of netstat -tnupa for threshold number of 'SYN_RECV' (or any other) TCP states per local IP:PORT, etc. When a possible flood attack is detected it calls the main script from the same bundle - The script is designed to be run via crontab as well as shell command.

We can call the script from the command line by following command. This is the default mode, when the script is called without arguments. In this mode it will output the result of the analyse in the CLI. Call syntax:

wwwsas-flood-detector     # That is symbolic link to /etc/wwwsas/modules/

The automatic mode should be used when the script is called from crontab (sudo crontab -e or create a corresponding file in /etc/cron.d/). In this mode when a flood attack is detected the script will execute For this mode we must provide AutoMode as value of the first positional parameter:

* * * * * "/etc/wwwsas/modules/" 'AutoMode' >> "/etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log" 2>&1

During the installation process the necessary steps, according this feature, will be applied by the SETUP script - see assets/etc/cron.d/wwwsas-flood-detector.


The relevant configuration section in the file wwwsas.conf is:

# Used by:


Before setup your Iptables anti flood rules and kernel parameters you can perform simple syn flood attack from another machine and then run sudo wwwsas-flood-detector (and if you want sudo netstat -tnupa | grep 'SYN_RECV') from the CLI to check the result. To simulate such attack you can use hping3, for example:

sudo hping3 -S -p 443 --flood


We can prevent most of the flood attacks by proper settings of the kernel parameters (/etc/sysctl.conf), when this is possible, or by well defined iptables rules. But sometimes not every transgression is caught, in these cases a script like those presented here could be helpful. The average sys time of the idle execution of modules/ is about 0.015s (on no so powerful system). Here are few references according to this topic:

WWWSAS Post Analyse > WWWSAS > Iptables

The script modules/ is designed to analyses the content of the history error log file generated by the main script from the same packages. Thus we can catch some DDoS attackers. The script is designed to be executed via CRON Job as well as SHELL Command.

We can call the script from the command line by following command:

wwwsas-post-analyse     # That is symbolic link to /etc/wwwsas/modules/

We can call the script from crontab (sudo crontab -e or create a corresponding file in /etc/cron.d/) in the following way:

15 * * * * "/etc/wwwsas/modules/" 'AutoMode' >> "/etc/wwwsas/tmp/execution.log" 2>&1
  • In the current version the script doesn't require the argument 'Auto Mode', but probably it will be required in the furthrer versions.

During the installation process the necessary steps, according this feature, will be applied by the SETUP script - see assets/etc/cron.d/wwwsas-post-analyse.


The relevant configuration section in the file wwwsas.conf is:

# modules/

WWWSAS AbuseIPDB Integration > WWWSAS > Iptables

The script modules/ is designed to be integration layer between and If you want to use this feature, you should register on and provide your API key within the configuration file - variable $AbuseIPDB_APIKEY. Once the API Key is provided the main script will report each IP, that is banned on our server. Also the relevant information will be provided by the sent emails. In addition (due to the SETUP process) the sctipt is accessible as shell command. It has the following modes:

wwwsas-abuseipdb 'pull-ip-data'      # Will output the information, available for the IP
wwwsas-abuseipdb 'pull-ip-data-html' # - same as the above, but used by the main script
wwwsas-abuseipdb 'analyse-ip'        # Will make decision, used by the main script
wwwsas-abuseipdb 'push-ip-data' '21,15' 'Comment'       # Will report the IP, used by the main script
wwwsas-abuseipdb 'push-ip-data-html' '21,15' 'Comment'  # - same as the above, but used by the main script


  • You should replace wit an actual IP, but this one can be used for tests - see the AbuseIPDB documentation.
  • 21,15 are categories from
  • The Comment is required by the script, but at all it is not required by the AbuseIPDB's API.

Within the analyse-ip mode the scrip will decide does the IP belongs to a Bad Guy. In that case the IP will be permanently banned, regardless the number of the transgressions, committed on our server. This decision and the relevant actions are based on the following variables, that are provided (and well described) within the configuration file:

  • $AbuseIPDB_ANALYSE_IP_AND_BAN, default: 'YES'
  • $AbuseIPDB_totalReportsLimit, default: '15'
  • $AbuseIPDB_abuseConfidenceScoreLimit, default: '15'
  • $AbuseIPDB_CategoryCountLimit, default: '5'

If you do not want to receive verbose information within the emails that will be sent by the main script, comment the line REPORT_MODE_ABIPDB='verbose' within the configuration file, or change the value of the variable.

HTTPS and Common Apache Security Tips

HTTPS is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network which is widely used on the Internet. HTTPS consists of communication over HTTP within a connection encrypted by TLS, or its predecessor SSL. Read more...

See also:



This is bundle of Bash scripts that can help you with malicious IP addresses handling within Apache2 and Ubuntu environment.







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