This project is a social media app for kids to surf the internet in a safe environment and keep in touch with each other. Kids can enter a Pokemon's name and enjoy!.
Live Demo: Tindergarden
In the project directory, run the following commands
To install dependencies
npm install
To run the server
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
- React.js
- Firebase (Google Cloud)
- Firestore Database / No SQL db used for storing users and posts including images
- Pokemon API
- Mobile-first design / CSS
- Ant Design
Users must create an account using email and password or Gmail. On the home page, users can create a new post, read all posts, see all users, enter a Pokemon's name and enjoy!. By clicking on the profile picture, user can see their profile, read and delete their post. Edit page lets users edit their profile. By clicking on the edit profile button, the form will appear.
Current bugs:
- update posts automatically when users send a post.
- Add search functionality to the app to let users search for their friends.
- Add location to users and let them find each other based on the distance (using google maps API).
- Add event feature to the app and let kids gather and play together.
- Add notification features to the profile page to inform users.
- Add simple games to the app and let different users play online with each other.
- Add a chat feature to the app.
This project was a collaboration work of the following contributors:
- Alireza Talaei
- Mehran Falahati