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An awesome health card component.


yarn add react-health-card


npm install react-health-card --save


import HealthCard from 'react-health-card';

  name="Jake Moxey"

Available Props

Property Type Default Description
bgColorFront string #2053B1 The background color of the front of the card.
bgColorBack string #2053B1 The background color of the back of the card.
focused string null The focused card attribute. Available: null, rank, name, memberNumber, issueDate, issueNumber, cardNumber
isFlipped boolean false Is the card flipped?
logoUri string null The logo of the card.
logoPosition string front Position of the logo. Available: front, back
logoStyle string right: 10%; top: 10% Style of the logo.
cardNumber string null The card number.
cardNumberPosition string front Position of the card number. Available: front, back
cardNumberTitle string Card number Card number title
cardNumberLength number 8 Card number length
cardNumberStyle string left: 10%; top: 20% Style of the card number element (CSS)
issueDate string null The card issue date.
issueDatePosition string front Position of the issue date. Available: front, back
issueDateTitle string Issue date The issue date title.
issueDateFormat string DD/MM/YYYY The issue date format.
issueDateStyle string bottom: 15%; left: 65%; Style of the issue date element (CSS)
issueNumber string null The issue number.
issueNumberPosition string back Position of the issue number. Available: front, back
issueNumberTitle string Issue number Issue number title
issueNumberLength number 2 Issue number length
issueNumberStyle string left: 10%; bottom: 15% Style of the issue number element (CSS)
memberNumber string null The member number.
memberNumberPosition string front Position of the member number. Available: front, back
memberNumberTitle string Member number Member number title
memberNumberLength number 8 Member number length
memberNumberStyle string left: 10%; bottom: 15% Style of the member number element (CSS)
rank string null The card rank.
rankPosition string front Position of the card rank. Available: front, back
rankLength number 2 Card rank length
rankStyle string left: 10%; bottom: 40% Style of the card rank element (CSS)
rankTitle string null Card rank title.
name string null The card holder's name.
namePlaceholder string FULL NAME Placeholder for card holder's name.
namePosition string front Position of the card holder's name. Available: front, back
nameLength number 2 Name length
nameStyle string left: 20%; bottom: 40% Style of the card holder's name element (CSS)
showLogo boolean true Shows the health card logo.
showCardNumber boolean true Shows the card number.
showIssueDate boolean true Shows the issue date.
showIssueNumber boolean true Shows the issue number.
showMemberNumber boolean true Shows the member number.
showRank boolean true Shows the health card logo.
showName boolean true Shows the health card logo.
showSwipeBar boolean true Shows the swipe bar.


MIT © Jake Moxey


🏥💳 An awesome react health card component.







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