Free, feature-rich, gui-integrated geometry dash mod menu
- Basic hacks
- Startpos switcher
- Show hitboxes
- Internal recorder
- Macro bot
- Click bot
- And much more!
Download the latest release and extract all files inside the GD folder.
Some dependencies are needed:
Now you can directly clone this repo or you can fork it.
Run this in your terminal on the folder where you want all the code:
- Clone
git clone --recursive
cd GDMegaOverlay
- Configure
cmake -B build -A win32
- Build
# do not use Debug
cmake --build build --config Release -j 4
Open GDMegaOverlay folder with Visual Studio Code.
Now VSCode will prompt you to install some recommended extensions, accept or else you'll need to install them manually. The extensions are:
- CMake by twxs
- Cmake Tools by Microsoft
After extensions installation, you need to configure the project:
- The compiler should be [Visual Studio Community 2022 Release - x86]
- Press the play (configure) button at the middle-bottom of VSCode
- Press the Build button that should be near the play one
You should find the result in build/Release
altalk23/HitboxVisualizer for the hitbox code (i converted it from geode to gd.h, corrected a bug and implemented them in the editor)
matcool/ReplayBot internal recorder, i integrated my clickbot into it
Very-Tall-Midget/OmegaBot2 practice fixes
adafcaefc/ProxyDllLoader for the mod loader
TpdEA for the json files and the endscreen code
Absolute for the json files, the gd::string and the demonlist/challenge list files
yt-dlp for youtube audio downloading