Twigsly is currently under heavy development. It is not mean for production sites but rather as a boilerplate that makes as few assumptions as possible.
It depends on Twigpress for a Twig environment and function mapping.
- Download Twigsly and extract to
directory. - Get the Twigpress plugin
and extract to your
directory. - Activate the Twigpress plugin
- Download Twigpress plugin
This project uses PHPunit for unit tests To be able to run the unit tests there is little configuration the needs to be done.
Install the submodules
$ git submodule init | git submodule update
copy phpunit.xml.dist to phpunit.xml
Change the environment variables WORDPRESS_BASE_URI
WORDPRESS_BASE_URI is the path to a wordpress install with the Twigpress plugin activated and the Twigsly theme set as the current theme. -
run phpunit