Releases: maurymarkowitz/RetroBASIC
RetroBASIC 2.1.1
Minor update:
- add the EOF function to check whether you have read to the end of a file
- better error checking on read/write status of files
- other minor touchups
RetroBASIC v.2.1.0
Version 2.1.0 adds basic file handling to RetroBASIC for the first time. You can open and close files, PRINT to them and INPUT from them, and GET and PUT single characters. The manual has an extensive section on the syntax and possible errors.
Note that there is no way to test for end-of-file in this version, although you can TRAP the EOF and then handle it.
RetroBASIC v.2.0.2
Some minor fixes and updates:
- added NUM function which returns the number of items entered in INPUT and MAT INPUT
- MAT INPUT now works with string arrays
- stopped the error that was raised when exiting MAT INPUT early
- separated out IO code
RetroBASIC v.2.0.1
Various fixes and checkins to address the problems in the master repo.
RetroBASIC v.2.0.0
RetroBASIC 2.0 is a major update on previous versions.
Its most notable addition is the integration of the matrix functionality from Dartmouth BASIC 4, along with a number of improvements added in other dialects like the IBM 5100. It also adds GET and PUT statements, and error handling based on later versions of Microsoft BASIC with extensions from Atari and AppleSoft. The Reference Manual includes new sections that describe these feature.
There are also a number of bug fixes and other minor improvements described in the VERSIONS document.
RetroBASIC v.1.9.2
Fix for an annoying issue in the new RND code that caused SST to fail
RetroBASIC v.1.9.1
Many updates to the reference manual.
New features and changes:
- adds the DIV operator for integer division, 7 DIV 3 = 2.
- adds the MS-inspired option to use negative numbers in the RND function, which performs a RANDOMIZE.
- added Integer BASIC's TAB statement
- switched order of parameters in STRING$, can't find any dialects with string first
- added LN, the version of LOG seen in many UK dialects like Sinclair and BBC
- reset the DATA pointer on CLEAR
- reset the runtime stack on CLEAR
RetroBASIC v.1.8.9
Adds support for Sinclair-style slicing syntax:
A$(1 TO 5)
A$(TO 5)
A$(5 TO)
Reference manuals updated to include string functions and slicing descriptions.
RetroBASIC v1.8.8
- first draft of a reference manual
- added ACS ASN, TAN, COSH/CSH, SINH/SNH, TANH/THN functions
- add INKEY$ function
- added PI pseudo-function/variable
- added MOD operator
- added XOR operator
- added ROUND function, 1-arity rounds to integer, 2-arity rounds to a given decimal point
- properly implemented CLR/CLEAR to clear variables
- implemented CLS for clear screen
- properly cast calculated values to the underlying type, single/double/integer, on assignment
- added case where string constant is "closed" by a newline, instead of a quote
RetroBASIC v1.8.6
Added support for the INSTR function found in most later versions of BASIC.
It supports both orderings of the parameters in the optional three-operand format, with the starting position in the first or last parameter.
It also supports the most common alternative function names, INDEX and POS. In the latter case, POS with a single parameter calls the existing function that returns the cursor position.