The web that make use of next.js and full of my knowledge related to web technology.
On hk_server code base, run the following commands.
yarn task start_docker
yarn task start_server
For hk-browser, run the following commands
yarn browser:dev-server
For hk-browser-nextjs, run the following commands
yarn nextbrowser:dev-server
- hk-browser: webpack
- hk-chat: rollup
- hk-browser-nextjs: nextjs
- hkclient-redux: tsc
- hkreselect: babel
My own theme components that was written in React
Command to start working with ui kit
yarn dev:uikit
This command starts the watch on uikit and dev server for uikit-showcase.
CI was tested on the following platform:
- Github actions
- Google Cloud Build
- Build CI cache docker image
- Build new PR request before merging to master branch
Trigger Condition: when package-lock.json is changed
Each time you change or add new packages in package.json, you should build a new docker image file for CI: * Docker file: build/ * Cloud Build script: build/cloudbuild-ci-gcr.yaml
Google Cloud Build will be triggered when the above condition is satisfied. The above cloud build script is used to build a new Docker image, then submit to GCR. The tag of docker image is the short Git version hash, because it's easier to keep track what git commit that cause the creation of CI docker image. Then tag latest name to that the newly-created CI docker image.
<< add description >>
- Open build/cloudbuild-ci-gcr.yaml
- Bump up the version of image file
- Run the following comment
gcloud builds submit --config=build/cloudbuild-ci-gcr.yaml
- .gitignore
- List of folders and files that we don't want to submit along with git commit
- .dockerignore
- List of folders and files that we don't want to upload to docker engine as context
- .gcloudignore
- List of folders and files that we don't want gcloud to include when uploading our files to its service as build context
- .eslintignore
- List of folders and files that we don't want to check lint syntax
- .npmignore
- List of folders and files that we don't want npm to keep when this package is installed as a dependency in another package
Application can be React, angular, vanilla javascript project, which then compiled into the Systemjs bundle.
loads the target application by route.