Camel CXF: OnCompletionHandler not called anymore. This application provides an endpoint ( In Camel we will set a non-XML payload which will cause the message to fail (SOAP fault). We have set an onCompletionHandler which will just do a System.out. Since Camel 3.11.1, this handler will not be invoked anymore.
Run DemoApplication to startup the tomcat and camel context
Do a GET request to with following payload. Response should be HTTP 500
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">soap:Body<n2:invoke xmlns:n2="">test</n2:invoke></soap:Body></soap:Envelope> -
Check the console output to see onCompletion Processor was called. Find in the console following printout:
######################################## processor called #################################### -
Update the pom.xml and update from Camel 3.11.0 to 3.11.1, reimport the libraries and restart the application
Re-execute the GET request --> OnCompletionProcessor is not called anymore (no System.out)