because it took a lot of time to figure out I keep it here
Raspberry Pi Zero with Raspbian Conbee2 Zigbee dongle USB->Mini USB Adapter (with OTG?)
First Pi did not work. Another USB cable Power Adapter worked. I am using a USB->Mini adapter with OTG (not sure if that is needed). The original power supply supplied only 0.2A
Install deConz like is described on
Even if you are running the pi without Monitor you need to have the Desktop enabled :(
$ raspi-config
In the same screen you can enable VNC if you want it (I ended up not needing it)
run service with
sudo systemctl enable deconz
It will run on part 80. For me it did not work. Change the port with
sudo systemctl edit deconz
And add this
# /etc/systemd/system/deconz.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/deCONZ -platform minimal --http-port=8080 --ws-port=8081 --auto-connect=1 --dbg-error=1
I am not sure the first line (pi is the user) is necessary but I copied it from somewhere and I am not going to do experiments now that it works ;D
Now you should be able to go to http://IP:8080/pwa/login.html