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marinelli committed May 10, 2017
0 parents commit 5052dae
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Showing 3 changed files with 414 additions and 0 deletions.
149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions reverse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@

module Main where

import Prelude hiding (iterate, reverse)
import Data.IORef

data LinkedList a
= None
| Node { value IORef a
, next IORef (LinkedList a)

linkedlist a IO (LinkedList a)
linkedlist x =
v newIORef x
n newIORef None
pure $ Node { value = v , next = n }

get_value LinkedList a IO a
get_value n =
case n of
None error "Empty"
node (readIORef $ value node) >>= \ x pure x

set_value a LinkedList a IO ()
set_value x n =
case n of
None pure ()
node writeIORef (value node) x

get_next LinkedList a IO (LinkedList a)
get_next n =
case n of
None error "Empty"
node (readIORef $ next node) >>= \x pure x

set_next LinkedList a LinkedList a IO ()
set_next n1 n2 =
case n1 of
None pure ()
node writeIORef (next node) n2

reverse LinkedList a IO (LinkedList a)
reverse l =

let reverse' LinkedList a LinkedList a IO (LinkedList a)
reverse' n1 n2 =
case n2 of
None pure n1
_ do
n3 get_next n2
set_next n2 n1
reverse' n2 n3

reverse' None l

iterate (a IO ()) -> LinkedList a -> IO ()
iterate f l =
case l of
None pure ()
v get_value l
f v
n get_next l
iterate f n

print_list Show a LinkedList a IO ()
print_list l =
iterate (\ x putStr $ show x ++ " ") l

main IO ()
main =
l1 linkedlist 1
l2 linkedlist 2
l3 linkedlist 3
l4 linkedlist 4
l5 linkedlist 5

let lists = [ ("l1", l1) , ("l2", l2) ,
("l3", l3) , ("l4", l4) ,
("l5", l5)

putStr "\n"

putStr ">>> Before linking the lists\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l)
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"

set_next l1 l2
set_next l2 l3
set_next l3 l4
set_next l4 l5

putStr "\n"

putStr ">>> After linking and before reversing the linked list\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l)
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"

putStr "\n"

putStr " The evaluation of `reverse l1´ computes the reversed\n\
\ list of l1 and the final result is equal to l5,\n\
\ the new head of the linked list.\n\n"

_ reverse l1

putStr ">>> After reversing the linked list\n"
mapM_ (\ (s, l)
putStr $ s ++ " : "
print_list l
putStr "\n"

putStr "\n"

165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@

exception Empty

type 'a linked_list =
| None
| Node of
{ value : 'a ref
; next : 'a linked_list ref

let linked_list : 'a -> 'a linked_list =
fun x ->
Node { value = ref x
; next = ref None

let get_value : 'a linked_list -> 'a =
fun l ->
match l with
| None -> raise Empty
| Node r -> !(r.value)

let set_value : 'a -> 'a linked_list -> unit =
fun value node ->
match node with
| None -> ()
| Node r -> r.value := value

let get_next : 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list =
fun l ->
match l with
| None -> raise Empty
| Node r -> !(

let set_next : 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list -> unit =
fun n1 n2 ->
match n1 with
| None -> ()
| Node r -> := n2

let reverse : 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list =
fun l ->

let rec reverse' : 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list -> 'a linked_list =
fun n1 n2 ->
match n2 with
| None -> n1
| _ ->
let n3 = get_next n2
( set_next n2 n1 ; reverse' n2 n3 )

match l with
| None -> None
| _ -> reverse' None l

let rec iterate : ('a -> unit) -> 'a linked_list -> unit =
fun f l ->
match l with
| None -> ()
| _ -> ( f (get_value l) ; iterate f (get_next l) )

let print_list : ('a -> string) -> 'a linked_list -> unit =
fun to_string l ->
iterate (fun n -> print_string ((to_string n) ^ " ")) l

let print_a_list_of_strings : string linked_list -> unit =
fun l -> print_list (fun s -> s) l

let print_a_list_of_ints : int linked_list -> unit =
fun l -> print_list (fun i -> string_of_int i) l

let main =
let l1 = linked_list 1
and l2 = linked_list 2
and l3 = linked_list 3
and l4 = linked_list 4
and l5 = linked_list 5

let lists =
[ ("l1", l1) ; ("l2", l2)
; ("l3", l3) ; ("l4", l4)
; ("l5", l5)

( print_newline ()

; print_string ">>> Before linking the lists\n"
; List.iter (fun (s, l) ->
print_string (s ^ " : " )
; print_a_list_of_ints l
; print_newline ()

; set_next l1 l2
; set_next l2 l3
; set_next l3 l4
; set_next l4 l5

; print_newline ()

; print_string ">>> After linking and before reversing the linked list\n"
; List.iter (fun (s, l) ->
print_string (s ^ " : " )
; print_a_list_of_ints l
; print_newline ()

; print_newline ()

; print_string " The evaluation of `reverse l1´ computes the reversed\n\
\ list of l1 and the final result is equal to l5,\n\
\ the new head of the linked list.\n\n"

; let _ = reverse l1 in ()

; print_string ">>> After reversing the linked list\n"
; List.iter (fun (s, l) ->
print_string (s ^ " : " )
; print_a_list_of_ints l
; print_newline ()

; print_newline ()

let () = main


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