Novius OS is an Open Source PHP Content Management System designed as an applications platform, hence the ‘OS’ suffix. You tailor Novius OS to your content through the creation of custom applications. Your well-structured content is to ready to be published to any channel—present and future.
Novius OS is built with the MVC framework, FuelPHP. “FuelPHP is a simple, flexible, community driven PHP 5.3+ framework, based on the best ideas of other frameworks, with a fresh start!” Novius OS HTML5 interface is powered by jQuery UI and the Wijmo library.
- Current version: Novius OS 5.0.1 (Elche)
- Novius OS requires PHP 5.3+, a SQL database and an HTTP server.
- Fully tested on LAMP (Ubuntu) and WAMP (Apache’s mod_rewrite enabled).
- Community tested on Nginx and Raspberry Pi.
- Can theoretically run on Mac and/or PostgreSQL.
(This is the quick install procedure. Command line access to the server with sudo admin rights and Git are required. Alternative methods are available.)
Open a terminal and run:
cd /var/www
sudo wget && sh
Once the installation completes:
- Open your browser at http://your.domain/novius-os/ (replace novius-os with the directory name you’ve chosen).
- Let the install wizard guide you.
All you need to know to create applications, extend existing ones or contribute to Novius OS is to be found at
If you don’t find answers to your questions in the docs, you’ll find help in the forum.
La documentation et le forum sont aussi disponibles en français.
- Give Novius OS a try at
- Follow the project news on the blog or Twitter.
- Watch screencasts on Novius OS YouTube channel.
- Contact the core team.
- Meet our awesome contributors.
- You, too, can contribute to Novius OS—even if you only have a few minutes to spare. Read our guide on how to get involved.
Novius OS is licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3 or (at your option) any later version.