This project is adds simple extension to the Assets metadata editor
- Added new component below asset preview
- Component presents:
- Amount of faces recognized (in general face suppose to have both eyes and mouth) by the custom metadata worker
- Preview of the asset with annotated face regions
This project consists only modules that are required
- ui.apps: contains the /apps parts of the project, with metadata editor overlay + clientlib to show annotated faces
- all + ui.apps.structure: standard modules to bundle the code
To build all the modules run in the project root directory the following command with Maven 3:
mvn clean install
To build all the modules and deploy the all
package to a local instance of AEM, run in the project root directory the following command:
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage
Or to deploy it to a publish instance, run
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackagePublish
Or alternatively
mvn clean install -PautoInstallSinglePackage -Daem.port=4503
Or to deploy only the bundle to the author, run
mvn clean install -PautoInstallBundle
Or to deploy only a single content package, run in the sub-module directory (i.e ui.apps
mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage
To build & deploy on the AEMasaCloud you need to push the code to he Cloud Manager git repository.
Just add the new remote
to this repo, e.g. as cloudmaanger
and push it to that remote
git remote add cloudmanager<orgName>/<repoName>/
git push cloudmanager
Once it's pushed, you can go to Cloud Manager (assuming you have configured Dev pipeline), edit your pipeline and pick
the branch firefly-asset-faces
and then start pipeline build. After couple of minutes the changes are available
on your instance.
In order to verify it, just open the Asset metadata editor. Below the asset preview you should see a grey banner saying
0 faces recognized.
Follow the blog post How to generate intelligent metadata for AEM as a Cloud service about how to create & deploy custom metadata worker as well as how to configure AEM and how to use it.
The project comes with the auto-public repository configured. To setup the repository in your Maven settings, refer to: