uafthesis is a LaTeX document class meant for using with a University of Alaska Fairbanks-style thesis. It would be used like so:
Its development web site is at
: The class file itself.bib_styles/
: A few common bibliography styles for BibTeX:/agufull08.bst
is the 2008 edition of the AGU bibliography styleunsrtabbrv3.bst
is a style written by one of the authors ofuafthesis.cls
: Describes how to useuafthesis.cls
while showing what it looks like.example/
: Contains the source code forexample.pdf
: This file.
is the main branch, and is based on the 2004 thesis class.2006
is a side branch which contains Ryan Woodard's 2006 version ofuafthesis.cls
which also tackled the missing "page" headers problem. A cursory analysis based ondiff uafthesis2004.cls uafthesis2006.cls
indicates that my solution to the "page heading" problem is probably better/easier. However, I may be wrong, and I really appreciate Ryan's work, so it's included in its own branch.
If you don't know how to use LaTeX or need general support, I would recommend the following resources for learning and asking questions:
- irc://
For questions directly pertaining to uafthesis.tex
, refer to example/example.pdf
or contact the latest author via github, twitter ( or email.
If you're a UAF student writing a thesis in LaTeX and have some improvements to
make, you should do so and share! uafthesis.cls
could honestly use some TLC.
If you would like to use Github, here's the process for submitting changes:
- Fork this project. There's a button on the upper-right corner of the main page.
- git clone your new repository.
- Make changes.
- git commit -m"Some changes I made for great justice."
- git push origin master
- Hit me up with a pull request. This is also on the upper-right corner of the main page.
If you would rather not use git (if, for example, version control is scary and confusing), feel free to contact me at [email protected] and we can find another way of updating the class file.
- Curt A. L. Szuberla 13 November 1996
- Matt Heavner 5 February 1999
- Dana Moudry 18 December 2002
- Ryan Woodard 2 December 2004
- Joshua Holbrook 2010 -- present
- Jesse Frey 10 December 2012
Nothing is included with the original bundle, but based on the sources of the original latex materials, it's safe to say (imo) that the project is covered by the LaTeX Project Public License.