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Private Internet Access - Client library for Apple platforms


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Private Internet Access

Private Internet Access is the world's leading consumer VPN service. At Private Internet Access we believe in unfettered access for all, and as a firm supporter of the open source ecosystem we have made the decision to open source our VPN clients. For more information about the PIA service, please visit our website or check out the Wiki.

Client library for Apple platforms

With this library, consumers can easily enable and communicate with the Private Internet Access services. It provides abstract interfaces for authenticating, purchasing plans, updating servers, getting connectivity updates, handling VPN profiles etc. You will also find mock objects for testing the library offline.

Getting started

The library has been tested on both iOS and macOS and includes the following features:

  • Authentication
    • Convenient login/signup view controllers (iOS only)
    • In-app plan purchasing
  • Server list handling
  • Network connectivity
  • Extensible VPN profiles
  • Persistent preferences
  • Mock objects for offline testing
  • Theming
  • Convenient macros



  • iOS 11.0+ / macOS 10.11+
  • Xcode 9+ (Swift 4)
  • Git (preinstalled with Xcode Command Line Tools)
  • Ruby (preinstalled with macOS)
  • CocoaPods 1.5.0
  • SwiftGen
  • jazzy (optional, for documentation)

It's highly recommended to use the Git and Ruby packages provided by Homebrew.


To use with CocoaPods just add this to your Podfile:

pod 'PIALibrary'

To include other non-default subspecs:

pod 'PIALibrary'
pod 'PIALibrary/VPN' # adds support for TunnelKit
pod 'PIALibrary/Mock'


Download the library codebase locally:

$ git clone

Assuming you have a working CocoaPods environment, setting up the library workspace only requires installing the pod dependencies:

$ pod install

After that, open PIALibrary.xcworkspace in Xcode and run the unit tests found in the PIALibraryTests target. A simple CMD+U while on PIALibrary-iOS should do that as well.


There is a Demo directory containing a simple project for testing the library. As usual, prepare for CocoaPods:

$ pod install

then open Demo.xcworkspace. You can test the account-related business with the WelcomeDemo-iOS target which is, unsurprisingly, for iOS only.

We'd definitely like to offer a more extensive showcase later on.


Due to its complexity, the library is split into several modules named after their context. The Core and Library modules make up the foundation of the library and are the bare requirements.

Full documentation of the public interface is available and can be generated with jazzy. After installing the jazzy Ruby gem with:

$ gem install jazzy

enter the root directory of the repository and run:

$ jazzy

The generated output is stored into the docs directory in HTML format.


Here you will find the core components on top of which the library is built. These consist of:

  • Business interfaces (e.g. AccountProvider)
  • Web model (e.g. AccountInfo)
  • Persistence model
  • Callbacks (e.g. LibraryCallback)
  • Public notifications
  • Utilities (Macros and extensions)


The module is the default implementation of Core. It has an entry point called Client, which is the gateway to mostly every available method and variable.

The Client container gives access to:

  • Client.environment - the environment in which the library operates
  • Client.configuration - defines default and transient values/behavior
  • Client.database - the persistency layer
  • Client.daemons - holds information coming from passive updates
  • Client.preferences - the model for persistent preferences
  • Client.providers - the current implementations of Core's *Provider interfaces


Before using the library, a bootstrap phase is needed through the invocation of Client.bootstrap(). Before the bootstrap itself, you want to take care of fine-tuning the library parameters.

Below is a typical bootstrap code:

import PIALibrary

// ...

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool {
    Client.environment = .production
    Client.providers.vpnProvider = MockVPNProvider()
    Client.configuration.enablesServerUpdates = false
    Client.configuration.verifiesServersSignature = true
    Client.configuration.enablesConnectivityUpdates = false
    // ...
    return true


  1. Sets the current environment to production endpoints
  2. Mocks the VPN connection (especially useful on the iPhone simulator)
  3. Receives notifications about server updates
  4. Verifies the server list signature against the PIA public key
  5. Receives notifications about connectivity (e.g. public IP address)

Remember to dispose the library at the end of the consumer lifecycle:

func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {


Log into PIA:

// pack auth request
let credentials = Credentials(username: "user", password: "pass")
let request = LoginRequest(credentials: credentials)

// verify credentials against PIA services
Client.providers.accountProvider.login(with: request) { (user, error) in
    guard let user = user else {
        print("Login failed: \(error)")

    // success, print user info
    print("Account info: \(")

Connect to the VPN:

// do this on simulator

// ...

// raw set VPN credentials (skip verify for this sample)
let credentials = Credentials(username: "user", password: "pass")
let user = UserAccount(credentials: credentials, info: nil)
Client.providers.accountProvider.currentUser = user

// establish VPN type (protocol)
let prefs = Client.preferences.editable()
prefs.vpnType = IKEv2Profile.vpnType

// observe VPN updates
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .PIADaemonsDidUpdateVPNStatus, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
    print("VPN status: \(Client.daemons.vpnStatus)")

// connect

Get public IP notifications:

// enable passive connectivity updates
// ...
Client.configuration.enablesConnectivityUpdates = true

// observe connectivity updates
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .PIADaemonsDidUpdateConnectivity, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
    guard let ip = Client.daemons.publicIP else {
        print("Unable to get public IP")
    print("Public IP: \(ip)")


The VPN module complements part of the Library module dedicated to VPN profiles, normally based on the NetworkExtension framework for iOS and macOS.

Today, it offers the PIATunnelProfile bridge to integrate TunnelKit into the library. In the pre-bootstrap code, do something like:

let packetTunnelBundle = "com.example.MyApp.MyTunnel"
let group = ""
let ca = OpenVPN.CryptoContainer(pem: """

var sessionBuilder = OpenVPN.ConfigurationBuilder()
sessionBuilder.cipher = .aes128gcm
sessionBuilder.digest = .sha1

var builder = OpenVPNTunnelProvider.ConfigurationBuilder(sessionConfiguration:
builder.mtu = 1350
    PIATunnelProfile(bundleIdentifier: packetTunnelBundle)
Client.preferences.defaults.vpnCustomConfigurations = [

to enable it as a VPN type in Client.preferences.vpnType.


With mock providers, you can simulate library behavior without actually touching real business. For example, you might want to test login code in your app without submitting credentials to the PIA web services.

Each area of the library has its mock counterpart:

  • MockAccountProvider
  • MockServerProvider
  • MockVPNProvider
  • MockInAppProvider (internal)

After configuration, put your mock provider into the proper field of Client.providers before bootstrap. For example:

let mock = MockAccountProvider()
mock.mockPlan = .trial
mock.mockIsExpiring = true
mock.mockIsRenewable = true

Client.providers.accountProvider = mock

All providers have shortcuts in Client, so you can do more concisely:


which for in-app mocking is actually the only way, being it non-customizable:



Most of this module makes more sense for use in our own apps. The module is almost iOS only and includes:

  • Useful macros
  • Some custom views and view controllers
  • Form validation
  • Theming support
  • Welcome view controllers

The Theme class helps the consumer app comply with a set of styles. Rather than explicitly setting colors and fonts, we centralize the typography definition in a Theme.Palette (colors) and a Theme.Typeface (fonts), to later use Theme methods to apply symbolic styles.

In such a setup, the use of AutolayoutViewController allows dynamic theme changes across the whole app.

PIAWelcomeViewController is a quick user interface to support login and signup to the PIA services in an app.


Generic utility classes and extensions.

Known issues

macOS support

There is some overlooked difference between the iOS and macOS keychain that breaks the loading of the PIA public key, needed for servers verification.


By contributing to this project you are agreeing to the terms stated in the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) here.

For more details please see CONTRIBUTING.

Issues and Pull Requests should use these templates: ISSUE and PULL REQUEST.


  • Jose Blaya - ueshiba
  • Davide De Rosa


This project is licensed under the MIT (Expat) license, which can be found here.



Private Internet Access - Client library for Apple platforms







No packages published


  • Swift 92.5%
  • Objective-C 6.8%
  • Other 0.7%