First version of public cluster-rke2-openstack
Capable of provisioning Kubernetes RKE2 Clusters on top of OpenStack
- Cloud Init (ssh keys, bootcmd, runcmd)
- Cluster upgradeStrategy (controlPlaneDrainOptions, workerDrainOptions, controlPlaneConcurrency, workerConcurrency)
- Parametized CNI
- Cluster Autoscaler
- Monitoring
- Cluster native Ingress (via chart or raw manifest)
- Etcd parameters (args, exposeMetrics, snapshotRetention, snapshotScheduleCron)
- CoreDNS, OCCM, Cinder
- Registries configuration
- Node Scripts
- Agent Environment Vars
- KubeAPI and Kubelet args
- Supports out-of-rancher kubeconfig authentication