BrashMonkey's Construct 3 addon for c3runtime and c2runtime.
This is the documentation to use Construct 3's new JavaScript Scripting feature with Spriter Pro.
You can easily access the Spriter object's interface using the runtime
, from both the event sheet and script.
runtime.objects.Spriter.getFirstInstance().setAnimation("animationName", 0, 0);
For more information, please see the scripting documentation of the Sprite object.
You can also subclass instances in a script, please see the subclassing instances documentation for more information.
class PlayerInstance extends ISpriterInstance
The supported methods and properties to use in Construct 3's scripting feature with Spriter Pro.
- Context - retrieve the current instance of the Spriter object.
- setPlaybackSpeedRatio(newSpeed)
- setVisible(visible)
- setOpacity(newOpacity)
- setAutomaticPausing(newPauseSetting, leftBuffer, rightBuffer, topBuffer, bottomBuffer)
- setObjectScaleRatio(newScale, xFlip, yFlip)
- setObjectXFlip(xFlip)
- setIgnoreGlobalTimeScale(ignore)
- findSpriterObject(c2Object)
- stopResumeSettingLayer(resume)
- stopResumeSettingVisibilityForObjects(resume)
- stopResumeSettingCollisionsForObjects(resume)
- setObjectYFlip(yFlip)
- setC2ObjectToSpriterObject(c2Object, propertiesToSet, spriterObjectName)
- pinC2ObjectToSpriterObject(c2Object, propertiesToSet, spriterObjectName)
- unpinC2ObjectFromSpriterObject(c2Object, spriterObjectName)
- unpinAllFromSpriterObject(spriterObjectName)
- setAnimation(animName, startFrom, blendDuration)
- setSecondAnim(animName)
- stopSecondAnim()
- setAnimBlendRatio(newBlend)
- setEnt(entName, animName)
- playAnimTo(units, playTo)
- associateTypeWithName(type, name)
- setAnimationLoop(loopOn)
- setAnimationTime(units, time)
- pauseAnimation()
- resumeAnimation()
- removeAllCharMaps()
- appendCharMap(mapName)
- removeCharMap(mapName)
- overrideObjectComponent(objectName, component, newValue)
- overrideBonesWithIk(parentBoneName, childBoneName, targetX, targetY, additionalLength)
- readyForSetup()
- outsidePaddedViewport()
- actionPointExists (pointName)
- objectExists (pointName)
- tagActive (tagName, objectName)
- CompareCurrentKey (cmp, frame)
- CompareCurrentTime (cmp, time, format)
- CompareAnimation (name)
- CompareSecondAnimation (name)
- CompareEntity (name)
- AnimationPaused()
- AnimationLooping()
- isMirrored()
- isFlipped()
- CompareZElevation(which, comparison, z_elevation)
- time()
- val(varname, objectName)
- pointX(name)
- pointY(name)
- pointAngle(name)
- objectX(name)
- objectY(name)
- objectAngle(name)
- timeRatio()
- ScaleRatio()
- key()
- PlayTo()
- animationName()
- animationLength()
- speedRatio()
- secondAnimationName()
- entityName()
- PlayToTimeLeft()
- triggeredSound()
- triggeredSoundTag()
- soundVolume(soundTag)
- soundPanning(soundTag)
- blendRatio()
- Opacity()
- BBoxLeft()
- BBoxTop()
- BBoxRight()
- BBoxBottom()
- foundObject()
- ZElevation()
- TotalZElevation()
Currently unsupported methods and properties.
- async LoadURL(url, crcrossOrigin)
- async loadFromURL(url, crossOrigin, sconText)
The API documentation only shows the methods with its parameters, sometimes this is not enough to fully understand each use of the references. To solve that, use the official Spriter addon as reference.
- For text parameters, use
values. - For number parameters, use
values. - For combo parameters, use the placement of the drop-down selection, starting from