Here you can find the four examples used by me during my session at SAP Inside Track São Paulo 2011.
- Recorded session:
- Session slides:
- Reference slides:
More information about the examples:
- ZDYN01: this first example shows you how to use FIELD-SYMBOLS in order to read/change data inside declared variables from the same or a parent variable scope.
- ZDYN02: the second example demonstrates how you can use ABAP RTTS to upload/download data from almost any table from the system.
- ZDYN03: the third example works as a cockpit for all table data maintainance views (a.k.a. SM30) inside a development class.
- ZDYN04: the fourth and last example demonstrates how you can implement ABAP RTTS in order to create a new personal number inside SAP HCM and populate it's infotypes by copying data from an approved applicant from PB.
These examples should be used for learning purposes only, and I do not provide any kind of warranty regarding it's use on a production environment. You can copy it, learn from it, use it as a starting point for your own implementations, but do it at your own risk.
Feel free to commit changes, fixes, improvements, more examples, etc. Thanks! ;)