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ltmx authored Sep 27, 2024
1 parent 50530a0 commit 1478b2f
Showing 1 changed file with 59 additions and 75 deletions.
134 changes: 59 additions & 75 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,9 @@

### Package name

> [!NOTE]\
> ```ruby
> com.ltmx.mathematics.mathx
> ```
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,25 +117,29 @@ bool4.all(); // returns true if all components are true // and-gate


## Method List 1.3.6
## Method List
// most methods have at least a dozen overloads

fcos() veryFastCos() ultraFastCos() CosLoop() SinLoop() sfcos() fsqrt()
fdistance() flength() log2int() fastmodinv() fexp() sfastsine() sfastcosine()
fastsine() fastcosine() anglerad() angledeg() fastangle() straightsignedangle()
preciseangle() signedangle() fastatan2() sign() abs() mod() frac() csum() cmul()
inv() neg() rcp() pow() sq() cube() pow4() pow5() sqrt() cbrt() rcbrt() rsqrt()
m2n1() add() sub() div() cycle() saturate() snap() bitwave() bitwave2()
triwave() set() Array() toColorArray() tocolorArray() tofloat4List()
tofloat3List() tofloat4Array() tofloat3Array() toVectorArray() tofloatArray()
CopyFrom() asint() asbool() asfloat() asdouble() asuint() ascolor() asColor()
asfloat4() asfloat3() cast() List() toVectorList() tofloatList() toColorList()
tocolorList() toVectorIE() tofloatIE() xx() xxx() xxxx() dim() exp() nexp()
exp2() exp10() ln() log2() log10() f4() f3() f2() append() y() z() yz() w() zw()
yzw() xyzw() xyz() xy() x() smootherstep() smoothstepcos() eerp() uneerp()
smoothstep() unlerp() lerp() lerpAngle() remap() step() arc() arch2() linstep()
sine01() smin() smax() smax_exp() smax_exp2() smax_expOP() smin_exp() smin_pow()
smin_root() smin_polynomial() smin_quadratic() smin_cubic() smin_factor()
preciseangle() signedangle() signedanglethis() fastatan2() sign() abs() mod()
frac() csum() cmul() inv() neg() rcp() pow() sq() cube() pow4() pow5() sqrt()
cbrt() rcbrt() rsqrt() m2n1() add() sub() div() cycle() swapx() swapy() swapz()
swapw() chgsign() saturate() snap() bitwave() bitwave2() triwave() set()
quaternion() conjugate() inverse() dot() length() lengthsq() norm() normsafe()
unitexp() exp() unitlog() log() mul() nlerp() slerp() hash() hashwide()
forward() toColorArray() tocolorArray() tofloat4List() tofloat3List()
tofloat4Array() tofloat3Array() toVectorArray() tofloatArray() CopyFrom()
asint() asbool() asfloat() asdouble() asuint() ascolor() asColor() asfloat4()
asfloat3() cast() f() i() List() toVectorList() tofloatList() toColorList()
tocolorList() toVectorIE() tofloatIE() xx() xxx() xxxx() nexp() exp2() exp10()
ln() log2() log10() f4() f3() f2() append() y() z() yz() w() zw() yzw() xyzw()
xyz() xy() x() smootherstep() smoothstepcos() eerp() uneerp() smoothstep()
unlerp() lerp() lerpAngle() remap() step() arc() arch2() linstep() sine01()
smin() smax() smax_exp() smax_exp2() smin_exp() smin_pow() smin_root()
smin_polynomial() smin_quadratic() smin_cubic() smin_factor()
smin_cubic_factor() smin_N_factor() mix() smoothstart() smoothstop() xfade()
easeInSine() easeOutSine() easeInOutSine() easeInQuad() easeOutQuad()
easeInOutQuad() easeInCubic() easeOutCubic() easeInOutCubic() easeInQuart()
Expand All @@ -142,39 +149,51 @@ easeInOutCirc() easeInBack() easeOutBack() easeInOutBack() easeInElastic()
easeOutElastic() easeInOutElastic() easeInBounce() easeOutBounce()
easeInOutBounce() smooth() smoothstepD() smooth5() smooth5D() smooth7()
smooth7D() smooth9() smooth9D() smooth11() smooth11D() smoothD() smoother7D()
any() all() select() approx() odd() even() isnan() anynan() isinf() isfinite()
greater() less() lesseq() greatereq() eq() neq() isgreatest() isshortest() get()
pingpong() SampleParabola() movetowards() repeat() smoothdamp() b4x4() b4x3()
b4x2() b3x4() b3x3() b3x2() b2x4() b2x3() b2x2() d4x4() d4x3() d4x2() d3x4()
d3x3() d3x2() d2x4() d2x3() d2x2() mul() dot() lengthsq() mult() transpose()
f4x4() f4x3() f4x2() f3x4() f3x3() f3x2() f2x4() f2x3() f2x2() i4x4() i4x3()
i4x2() i3x4() i3x3() i3x2() i2x4() i2x3() i2x2() u4x4() u4x3() u4x2() u3x4()
u3x3() u3x2() u2x4() u2x3() u2x2() init() randf() randf2() randf3() randf4()
seedrand() seedrand2() seedrand3() seedrand4() randmax() setseed() hash()
hashwide() varyrand() addrand() rand() randomint() randomInSphere()
i4() i3() i2() any() all() select() approx() odd() even() greater() less()
lesseq() greatereq() eq() neq() anygreater() anygreatereq() anyless()
anylesseq() anyeq() anyneq() isgreatest() isshortest() ispow2() isnan() anynan()
isinf() isfinite() get() pingpong() SampleParabola() movetowards() repeat()
smoothdamp() b4x4() b4x3() b4x2() b3x4() b3x3() b3x2() b2x4() b2x3() b2x2()
d4x4() d4x3() d4x2() d3x4() d3x3() d3x2() d2x4() d2x3() d2x2() mult()
transpose() diag() f4x4() f4x3() f4x2() f3x4() f3x3() f3x2() f2x4() f2x3()
f2x2() i4x4() i4x3() i4x2() i3x4() i3x3() i3x2() i2x4() i2x3() i2x2() u4x4()
u4x3() u4x2() u3x4() u3x3() u3x2() u2x4() u2x3() u2x2() init() randf() randf2()
randf3() randf4() seedrand() seedrand2() seedrand3() seedrand4() randmax()
setseed() varyrand() addrand() rand() randomint() randomInSphere()
randomInCircle() randomDir3D() randomDir2D() randomrotation() rotate()
rotateAxisAngle() rotateRad() rotateDeg() quaternion() rotateAround() round()
rint() clamp() min() max() ceil() clint() floor() flint() sat() npsat() limp()
limn() under1() cmax() cmin() acmax() acmin() sin() cos() tan() sec() cot()
csc() asin() acos() atan() atan2() acot() asec() acsc() sin2() cos2() tan2()
sec2() deg() rad() cossin() sincos() mod360() mod2PI() sinh() cosh() tanh()
sech() coth() csch() acosh() asinh() atanh() acoth() asech() acsch() norm()
normsafe() distance() distancesq() length() reflect() refract() project()
projectsafe() manhattan() minkowski() chebyshev() cross() perp() exterior()
orthonorm() cdistance() cdistancesq() ccross() cdot() hashnp01() Hash()
GradientNoise() GenerateGradient() randdir() unity_gradientNoise() hashx()
rotateAxisAngle() rotateRad() rotateDeg() rotateAround() clamp() min() max()
round() rint() ceil() clint() floor() flint() sat() limp() limn() under1()
clampsigned() maxsigned() minsigned() satsigned() cmax() cmin() acmax() acmin()
matrix() float3x4() rotationMatrix() translationMatrix() transform() rotation()
up() right() scale() sin() cos() tan() sec() cot() csc() asin() acos() atan()
atan2() acot() asec() acsc() sin2() cos2() tan2() sec2() deg() rad() cossin()
sincos() mod360() mod2PI() sinh() cosh() tanh() sech() coth() csch() acosh()
asinh() atanh() acoth() asech() acsch() distance() distancesq() reflect()
refract() project() projectsafe() manhattan() minkowski() chebyshev() cross()
perp() exterior() orthonorm() cdistance() cdistancesq() ccross() cdot()
openSimplex2_ImproveXY() openSimplex2SDerivatives_ImproveXY() sdSphere() sdBox()
sdRoundBox() sdBoxFrame() sdTorus() sdCappedTorus() sdLink() sdCylinder()
sdCone() sdConeBound() sdPlane() sdHexPrism() sdTriPrism() sdCapsule()
sdVerticalCapsule() sdCappedCylinder() sdRoundedCylinder() sdCappedCone()
sdSolidAngle() sdCutSphere() sdCutHollowSphere() sdDeathStar() sdRoundCone()
sdEllipsoid() sdbEllipsoid_2() sdaEllipsoid_3() sdRhombus() sdOctahedron()
sdOctahedronBound() sdPyramid() udTriangle() udQuad() _length2() _length6()
_length8() byte1() byte2() byte3() byte4() color() gammatolinear()
sdOctahedronBound() sdPyramid() udTriangle() udQuad() length2() length6()
length8() byte1() byte2() byte3() byte4() color() gammatolinear()
lineartogama() Erf() Erfc() ErfInv() ErfcInv() GammaLn() Gamma() DiGamma()
DiGammaInv() conjugate() inverse() unitexp() unitlog() log() nlerp() slerp()
forward() matrix() float3x4() rotation() translation() transform() up() right()
scale() projectplane() apply() GetFunctionPointerDelegate()
DiGammaInv() projectplane() apply() smin() smax()
smax_exp() smin_exp()

## Constant & Static fields
HalfSQRT3 HSQRT3 InvSQRT2 RSQRT2 INLINE IL NEVER upd2 downd2 rightd2 leftd2 upd3
rightd3 forwardd3 downd3 leftd3 backd3 oned2 zerod2 oned3 zerod3 oned4 zerod4
upf2 downf2 rightf2 leftf2 upf3 rightf3 forwardf3 downf3 leftf3 backf3 onef2
zerof2 onef3 zerof3 onef4 zerof4 upi2 downi2 righti2 lefti2 upi3 righti3
forwardi3 downi3 lefti3 backi3 onei2 zeroi2 onei3 zeroi3 onei4 zeroi4

Expand All @@ -195,41 +214,6 @@ scale() projectplane() apply() GetFunctionPointerDelegate()
- Unification is key : if some functions are already available in math or Unity.Mathematics.math (sometimes under another name), use them !
- Documentation should be inherited from Unity.Mathematics.math methods for direct extension method translations

## 🎇 New Methods in 1.3.0
anyType.dim(otherType) => anyType* otherType // to add functionality missing from internal operator overloads // named dim to not confuse with mul()
anyType.greater(otherType) => anyType > otherType
anyType.less(otherType) => anyType < otherType
anyType.greatereq(otherType) => anyType >= otherType
anyType.lesseq(otherType) => anyType <= otherType
anyType.eq(otherType) => anyType == otherType
anyType.neq(otherType) => anyType != otherType
randseed(seed) => random float generated from a seed // internally : Random.Init(seed).Nextfloat()
randseed2(seed) => random float2 generated from a seed // internally : Random.Init(seed).Nextfloat()
randseed3(seed) => random float3 generated from a seed // internally : Random.Init(seed).Nextfloat()
randseed4(seed) => random float4 generated from a seed // internally : Random.Init(seed).Nextfloat()
anyType.m2n1() => anyType* 2 - 1 // remaps anything from [0, 1] to [-1, 1]
quaternion generation functions
matrix generation functions
transformation functions
dot() // for int types
value.lerp(MatrixA, MatrixB) // functionality to interpolate any matrix
anyType.dim(otherType) => anyType * otherType // to add functionality for missing from operator overloads // 'dim' to not confuse with mul()
anyType.div(otherType) => anyType / otherType
anyType.add(otherType) => anyType + otherType
anyType.sub(otherType) => anyType - otherType
anyType.shuffle() // only for float2, float3 and float4
anyType.hash() // math.hash(anyType)
type generation methods float4(), float2(), float4x4(), etc
asuint() // new overloads
asbool() // new overloads


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