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Releases: lordlessio/lordless-frontend

add telegram bind and before deposit

19 Jan 12:53
Choose a tag to compare
 update lordless ico icon to oss path (#195)

* add airdrop

* add airdrop

* update promotion

* finish airdrop

* update promotion

* update project

* update

* update style

* update mobile candy

* update home style

* update tabbar choose dom

* update quests => promotions empty text

* fixed mobile dialog bug

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* finish pc promotions

* finish pc promotions and update user quests

* add promotions empty status

* fixed mobile project style bug and pc vw style bug

* update mobile _tavern history path

* fixed logout dialog bug and add claim airdrop end status and so on

* update header userInfo and fixed project detail bug

* add mobile trust dialog and add pc user aside bg

* update mobile wallet

* fixed mobile trust dialog bug

* update authorize bug

* update wallet style

* update locked metamask img

* update dialog bg-linear color, and update wechat share bug and so on

* update whitedraw tip bug

* update dialog bg linear

* update whitedraw tip bug

* add promotions lordless twitter tip

* update pc promotions style

* update tevern detail and add adSpace

* update adSpace to tg url

* update mobile tavern detail and so on

* fixed tavern detail countUp bug

* update user ac

* fixed tokenid 0 cant sale bug

* update mobile sale and home and so on

* access imToken and add from params in write contract

* update pc market style and claimed style

* add token decimals and update promotions style

* update quests promotions style

* update project bar style

* remove record pending item

* update lordless tg link and fixed sell price bug

* update project detail less p

* update dialog style and claimed decimals

* add weiByDecimals and update promotion style

* add luckydrop and update token Contract Strategy

* fixed luckydrop bug

* update lucky percent Analyzing conditions

* add opensea and update luckyblock

* update luckyblock and pc style

* jfixed

* fixed

* use sessionStorage add tokenAllowance long loading

* add luckyblock mainnet

* update luckyblock gas to 139999

* fixed claim disabled bug

* update token allowance style and update Luckyblock address

* update luckyblock

* update promotions

* update tokenAllowance bug

* update luckyblock contract and so on

* add lucky conditions

* update luckyblock contract

* update tokenAllowance token approve key

* fixed tokenAllowance from:this.address bug,should be this.account

* add new filterSvgSymbol on candyIcon and project email link

* update mobile building style and add bridgeContract in claim

* update candyIcon rules

* add impact font and bind telegram page

* fixed have no telegram bug

* remove telegram bind isCopyCode

* update mobile user info and footer

* add tokenBets filter

* fixed luckyblock card bug and token allowance bug and update adSpace

* fixed token allowan bug

* update bind telegram

* fixed bottomsup style bug

* remove pc quests

* add el-tabs light-tabs style

* udpate mobile taverns ps

* update lordless ico icon to oss path

fixed lordless ico icon path

19 Jan 13:02
Choose a tag to compare
 update lordless icon path (#196)

* add airdrop

* add airdrop

* update promotion

* finish airdrop

* update promotion

* update project

* update

* update style

* update mobile candy

* update home style

* update tabbar choose dom

* update quests => promotions empty text

* fixed mobile dialog bug

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* finish pc promotions

* finish pc promotions and update user quests

* add promotions empty status

* fixed mobile project style bug and pc vw style bug

* update mobile _tavern history path

* fixed logout dialog bug and add claim airdrop end status and so on

* update header userInfo and fixed project detail bug

* add mobile trust dialog and add pc user aside bg

* update mobile wallet

* fixed mobile trust dialog bug

* update authorize bug

* update wallet style

* update locked metamask img

* update dialog bg-linear color, and update wechat share bug and so on

* update whitedraw tip bug

* update dialog bg linear

* update whitedraw tip bug

* add promotions lordless twitter tip

* update pc promotions style

* update tevern detail and add adSpace

* update adSpace to tg url

* update mobile tavern detail and so on

* fixed tavern detail countUp bug

* update user ac

* fixed tokenid 0 cant sale bug

* update mobile sale and home and so on

* access imToken and add from params in write contract

* update pc market style and claimed style

* add token decimals and update promotions style

* update quests promotions style

* update project bar style

* remove record pending item

* update lordless tg link and fixed sell price bug

* update project detail less p

* update dialog style and claimed decimals

* add weiByDecimals and update promotion style

* add luckydrop and update token Contract Strategy

* fixed luckydrop bug

* update lucky percent Analyzing conditions

* add opensea and update luckyblock

* update luckyblock and pc style

* jfixed

* fixed

* use sessionStorage add tokenAllowance long loading

* add luckyblock mainnet

* update luckyblock gas to 139999

* fixed claim disabled bug

* update token allowance style and update Luckyblock address

* update luckyblock

* update promotions

* update tokenAllowance bug

* update luckyblock contract and so on

* add lucky conditions

* update luckyblock contract

* update tokenAllowance token approve key

* fixed tokenAllowance from:this.address bug,should be this.account

* add new filterSvgSymbol on candyIcon and project email link

* update mobile building style and add bridgeContract in claim

* update candyIcon rules

* add impact font and bind telegram page

* fixed have no telegram bug

* remove telegram bind isCopyCode

* update mobile user info and footer

* add tokenBets filter

* fixed luckyblock card bug and token allowance bug and update adSpace

* fixed token allowan bug

* update bind telegram

* fixed bottomsup style bug

* remove pc quests

* add el-tabs light-tabs style

* udpate mobile taverns ps

* update lordless ico icon to oss path

* update lordless icon path

before telegram bind feature release

10 Jan 04:46
Choose a tag to compare
 update candyIcon rules (#178)

* add airdrop

* add airdrop

* update promotion

* finish airdrop

* update promotion

* update project

* update

* update style

* update mobile candy

* update home style

* update tabbar choose dom

* update quests => promotions empty text

* fixed mobile dialog bug

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* remove claim promotion failed error message

* finish pc promotions

* finish pc promotions and update user quests

* add promotions empty status

* fixed mobile project style bug and pc vw style bug

* update mobile _tavern history path

* fixed logout dialog bug and add claim airdrop end status and so on

* update header userInfo and fixed project detail bug

* add mobile trust dialog and add pc user aside bg

* update mobile wallet

* fixed mobile trust dialog bug

* update authorize bug

* update wallet style

* update locked metamask img

* update dialog bg-linear color, and update wechat share bug and so on

* update whitedraw tip bug

* update dialog bg linear

* update whitedraw tip bug

* add promotions lordless twitter tip

* update pc promotions style

* update tevern detail and add adSpace

* update adSpace to tg url

* update mobile tavern detail and so on

* fixed tavern detail countUp bug

* update user ac

* fixed tokenid 0 cant sale bug

* update mobile sale and home and so on

* access imToken and add from params in write contract

* update pc market style and claimed style

* add token decimals and update promotions style

* update quests promotions style

* update project bar style

* remove record pending item

* update lordless tg link and fixed sell price bug

* update project detail less p

* update dialog style and claimed decimals

* add weiByDecimals and update promotion style

* add luckydrop and update token Contract Strategy

* fixed luckydrop bug

* update lucky percent Analyzing conditions

* add opensea and update luckyblock

* update luckyblock and pc style

* jfixed

* fixed

* use sessionStorage add tokenAllowance long loading

* add luckyblock mainnet

* update luckyblock gas to 139999

* fixed claim disabled bug

* update token allowance style and update Luckyblock address

* update luckyblock

* update promotions

* update tokenAllowance bug

* update luckyblock contract and so on

* add lucky conditions

* update luckyblock contract

* update tokenAllowance token approve key

* fixed tokenAllowance from:this.address bug,should be this.account

* add new filterSvgSymbol on candyIcon and project email link

* update mobile building style and add bridgeContract in claim

* update candyIcon rules