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Maven archetypes to create a project with lodsve-framework!


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Maven archetypes to create a project with lodsve-boot!

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Component Versions

  1. lodsve-archetype-mybatis

    Maven Central

  2. lodsve-archetype-nacos

    Maven Central

  3. lodsve-archetype-quickstart

    Maven Central


### 1. Quickstart
mvn archetype:generate

### 2. Mybatis
mvn archetype:generate
### 3. Nacos
mvn archetype:generate
### 4. RPC(顺序:api -> server -> client)
### 4.1. RPC-api
mvn archetype:generate
### 4.2. RPC-server
mvn archetype:generate
### 4.3. RPC-client
mvn archetype:generate
# ${archetypeVersion}: The latest version number of this scaffold.
  1. Parameter explanation
Parameter Name Description Example Value
groupId The groupId for the project to be created com.lodsve
artifactId The artifactId for the project to be created demo
version The version for the project to be created 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
port Port for the Spring Boot project 8080
contextPath Context path /demo
package Base package for the project to be created com.lodsve.demo
author Author of the project to be created hulk.sun
bootVersion Version number of lodsve-boot to be used 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
apiGroupId The groupId for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) com.lodsve.demo
apiArtifactId The artifactId for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) demo-api
apiVersion The version for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) 1.0.-SNAPSHOT
serverAppName Value of configured on the server side demo-server
serverContextPath Context path for the server side /demo-server

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FOSSA Status


The lodsve-maven-archetype was created using awesome JetBrains IDEA.

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