### 1. Quickstart
mvn archetype:generate
### 2. Mybatis
mvn archetype:generate
### 3. Nacos
mvn archetype:generate
### 4. RPC(顺序:api -> server -> client)
### 4.1. RPC-api
mvn archetype:generate
### 4.2. RPC-server
mvn archetype:generate
### 4.3. RPC-client
mvn archetype:generate
# ${archetypeVersion}: The latest version number of this scaffold.
- Parameter explanation
Parameter Name | Description | Example Value |
groupId | The groupId for the project to be created | com.lodsve |
artifactId | The artifactId for the project to be created | demo |
version | The version for the project to be created | 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
port | Port for the Spring Boot project | 8080 |
contextPath | Context path | /demo |
package | Base package for the project to be created | com.lodsve.demo |
author | Author of the project to be created | hulk.sun |
bootVersion | Version number of lodsve-boot to be used | 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
apiGroupId | The groupId for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) | com.lodsve.demo |
apiArtifactId | The artifactId for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) | demo-api |
apiVersion | The version for the API package to be created (only used in RPC) | 1.0.-SNAPSHOT |
serverAppName | Value of spring.application.name configured on the server side | demo-server |
serverContextPath | Context path for the server side | /demo-server |
The lodsve-maven-archetype
was created using awesome JetBrains IDEA.