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Android part of the Android Studio(IntellijIDEA) OkHttp Profiler plugin
Android最好的Spannable富文本工具, 唯一支持正则匹配/图文混排/图标/GIF动画/自定义表情包
liangjingkanji / debugkit
Forked from hulab/debugkit🪲 Android开发调试悬浮窗口工具
🍯 LiveData / Coroutine / Lifecycle / EventBus 特性的事件总线框架
🍞 Android 快速创建吐司/对话框 Quick crete Toast or Dialog
Android软键盘遮挡/平滑动画最佳解决方案 Solution for keyboard cover in/smooth animation
[永久维护] Android 快速构建 RecyclerView, 比 BRVAH 更简单强大
本仓库仅为Net支持 Android 5 (API level 21) 以下, 点击以下链接访问主仓库
十二种主题风格 - Material Google JetBrains Vue Juejin Purple Ayu Dark
An in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients
an android application using to extract app packages installed on the device
一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
Implementation of ImageView for Android that supports zooming, by various touch gestures.