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Setup for Weaponry users

Alexey Lesovsky edited this page Jun 11, 2021 · 5 revisions

Installing pgSCV from tar.gz using bootstrap mode on Ubuntu 20.04.

IMPORTANT: This tutorial is intended for using by Weaponry users.


In this tutorial we are going to configure system and install pgSCV from .tar.gz archive using bootstrap mode on Ubuntu 20.04.

  • create dedicated monitoring roles in Postgres and Pgbouncer (optional)
  • install pgSCV from tar.gz on Ubuntu 20.04
  • configure using bootstrap mode Finally, pgSCV will be run under root user with enabled auto-update feature.


  • Bootstrap mode is preferred (but not strict) for Weaponry users, because it requires Weaponry-only settings which are not needed for non-Weaponry users.


Create database user

Make sure PostgreSQL service should be installed and running. The ps command should show running Postgres processes:

ps f -u postgres 
   3283 ?        Sl     0:00 /usr/sbin/pgbouncer -d /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini
   3184 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/13/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
   3186 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: checkpointer 
   3187 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: background writer 
   3188 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: walwriter 
   3189 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: autovacuum launcher 
   3190 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: stats collector 
   3191 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ postgres: 13/main: logical replication launcher 

Connect to Postgres and create database user for pgSCV. This could be unprivileged user with special server roles which allow pgSCV read statistics and traverse directories and files.

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# GRANT pg_read_server_files, pg_monitor TO pgscv;
postgres=# GRANT EXECUTE on FUNCTION pg_current_logfile() TO pgscv;

Created user should be allowed to connect to Postgres through UNIX sockets and localhost. Add the following lines to pg_hba.conf:

local   all             pgscv                                   md5
host    all             pgscv             md5

Exact path to pg_hba.conf depends on Postgres version. Default path on Ubuntu is version-specific directory inside /etc/postgresql/.

After adding lines to pg_hba.conf, Postgres service should be reloaded. Connect to Postgres and execute pg_reload_conf() function.

sudo -u postgres psql -c 'select pg_reload_conf()'

Now, test the connection using created database role using psql utility. Specify the password in environment variable.

PGPASSWORD=SUPERSECRETPASSWORD psql -h -U pgscv -d postgres -c "SELECT version()"
 PostgreSQL 13.2 (Ubuntu 13.2-1.pgdg20.04+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0, 64-bit

In this example we connect to Postgres and ask its version.

Create pgbouncer user

In case of using Pgbouncer, additional configuration have to be made. Add pgscv user to stats_users list in pgbouncer.ini

stats_users = pgscv

After changing pgbouncer.ini, Pgbouncer service should be reloaded.

systemctl reload pgbouncer

Depending on used auth_type user and password should be specified in auth_file. By default, it is userlist.txt. For example for auth_type = md5, user and password could be added in the following way:

echo -n "SUPERSECRETPASSWORD" |md5sum |awk -v user=pgscv '{printf "\"%s\" \"md5%s\"\n", user, $1}' >> /etc/pgbouncer/userlist.txt

Now, make test connection to Pgbouncer. Specify the password in environment variable.

PGPASSWORD=SUPERSECRETPASSWORD psql -h -p 6432 -U pgscv -d pgbouncer -c "SHOW version"
 PgBouncer 1.15.0

In this example we connect to Pgbouncer built-in database and ask its version.

Install pgSCV

Download the tar.gz archive and extract it using tar utility. In this tutorial, v0.6.0 is used, check out the latest version in releases page.

tar xvzf pgscv_0.6.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz

Specify all necessary environment variables and run pgSCV with --bootstrap flag. NOTES:

  • these settings enable auto-update and run service under root user. This is necessary because restart service is required during auto-update.
  • if you don't need auto-update or want to use non-root user, specify it with PGSCV_RUN_AS_USER and set PGSCV_AUTOUPDATE=no.
  • bootstrap mode uses /usr/local/pgscv installation path instead of system PATHs.
  • you need to specify your Weaponry project API key (checkout project setup instructions)
sudo -E PGSCV_RUN_AS_USER=root \
PGSCV_API_KEY=00000000-0000-0000-00000-000000000000 \
./pgscv --bootstrap

During bootstrap, you should see the following output:

{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Running bootstrap"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"run pre-flight checks"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Validate bootstrap configuration"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Install agent"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Create config file"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Create systemd unit"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"Reload systemd"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:17+02:00","message":"bootstrap: waiting until systemd daemon-reload to finish..."}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"Run agent"}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"bootstrap: waiting until systemd starts agent service..."}
{"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"Bootstrap successful"}

This mean, pgscv made the following changes:

  • create bindir catalog - /usr/local/pgscv
  • created config file - /etc/pgscv.yaml
  • created systemd unit file - /etc/systemd/system/pgscv.service and reload systemd daemon
  • copy itself into bindir
  • enable and start pgscv.service

Check pgSCV status using journalctl. There should be no errors.

journalctl -n 40 -fu pgscv
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test systemd[1]: Started pgSCV is the Weaponry platform agent for PostgreSQL ecosystem.
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"read configuration from /etc/pgscv.yaml"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"*** IMPORTANT ***: pgSCV by default collects information about user queries. Tracking queries can be disabled with 'no_track_mode: true' in config file."}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"no-track mode disabled"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"sending metrics to every 60 seconds"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"auto-discovery: service added [system:0]"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"start background auto-update loop"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"accepting requests on"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"auto-discovery [postgres]: service added [postgres:5432]"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"auto-discovery [pgbouncer]: service added [pgbouncer:6432]"}
Mar 31 10:29:18 ubuntu-pgscv-test pgscv[5888]: {"level":"info","service":"pgscv","time":"2021-03-31T10:29:18+02:00","message":"pg_stat_statements is not found in shared_preload_libraries, disable pg_stat_statements metrics collection"}

Connect to pgSCV using curl and ask metrics, there should be non-zero counts.

curl -s | grep -c ^postgres
curl -s | grep -c ^pgbouncer
curl -s | grep -c ^node
curl -s | grep -c ^go

In case of errors, see troubleshooting notes