A plugin to automatically inject metadata that adds directory structure as categories
Adding categories to new files works
Updates categories respecting whatever was written there beforehand
On a new file injects full metadata
On an existing file updates only the categories section of the metadata ( not stuff like updated )
For example using packer:
use {"git-girl/neorg-auto-cats"}
in your neorg config:
require('neorg').setup {
load = {
["core.dirman"] = {
config = {
workspaces = {
-- NOTE: your workspaces have to be named the same
-- as their directory. Pro Tip TM: use Symlinks
General = "~/Notes/General",
Work = "~/Notes/Work",
Uni = "~/Notes/Uni"
-- all your other stuff
["external.auto-cats"] = {
-- for auto-cats config see below
These are the current deafults that you can overwrite as part of your neorg config.
["external.auto-cats"] = {
config = {
-- this flag sets whether we autosave as part of the
-- autocomand.
-- i think this is useful and not having it leads
-- to many buffers that are being written to and you
-- having to save manually which i don't like.
-- it's not the default because i think saving
-- files for you is evil.
-- interacts with `Neorg insert-cats`
autosave = false,
-- this flag sets wheter we register an autocmd to
-- insert the categories on default.
-- the workflow for having this as false probably
-- includes some keybind to `Neorg insert-cats`
autocmd = true,
Command | Functionality | Config Options |
Neorg insert-cats |
inserts the categories like the autocmd | autosave |
I want to clean up the code a bit more, but yeah it works.
Also I want to add a hierarchical generate-workspace-summary that respects your folder structure