Navigate to different branches to see the basics for various things I have learned or am learning
- Contains the Basic concepts for learning Data Structures and Algorithms.
- Primary language is C++.
- At some places where I think it is appropriate, I have used Python3 along with C++.
- Basic and the most important concepts in web development (end to end)
- Basics of HTML5, CSS3, Java Script
- Basic concepts (theory and practical) for data bases
- Adding a backend to your web application (using Flask)
- Creating an example end to end web application for later reference
- Basics of the Unity Game Engine
- Using Pygame to make games quickly and efficiently using Python
- Some personal projects
- Mathematics used in Machine Learning
- Basic but most important Machine Learning Models (theory and implementation)
- Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Basics I learned while pursuing a hobby (through a youtube channel)
- Some templates to help you simplify your production process