Docati.Api is a library for generating Word or PDF documents and is available as a nuget package This repository contains a sample project which demonstrates the (ease of) use of Docati.Api.
A Dockerfile is included to demonstrate how to use Docati.Api (using Docker) on Linux:
- Linux does not come with the fonts you find on Windows (with Office installed), so a few free fonts from MS are added
- GDI+ support is added for supporting image processing (can be omitted if you don't use ImageOf or BarcodeOf).
From the repo root run: docker build -t docatidemo -f Src/Dockerfile .
To run from Linux (or WSL): docker run -rm -v $PWD:/out docatidemo /out
- The generated template will be put in your current folder
The image is also available from Docker Hub: kwaazaar/docatidemo To run: docker run -v $PWD:/out kwaazaar/docatidemo /out
Check our site for more info on Docati: And if you run into trouble, don't hesitate to ask us for help: [email protected]