New Provider:
New Source:
List of changes:
- #1349 Use correct link to contributors guide @szuecs
- #1348 AWS-SD: Rebrand AWS Auto Naming to Cloud Map @vanekjar
- #1347 Add more linters and improve code quality @tariq1890
- #1344 Suppress noisy logging of klog @saidst
- #1342 Update VinylDNS documentation @dgrizzanti
- #1341 Remove incubator references in README @Raffo
- #1334 Rename project root package to sigs.k8s.io @tariq1890
- #1332 Add CRD documentation and fix samples @ytsarev
- #1328 Add support for multiple Istio ingress gateways @ashleyschuett
- #1326 Enable image publishing to gcr.io via cloudbuild @njuettner
- #1323 Corrected a typo in the Readme @drewhemm
- #1319 Rework tutorial for Azure Private DNS @saidst
- #1315 Correct typos and superflous spaces in the provider code @stensonb
- #1308 Add missing bracket in CLI help output @ekeih
- #1305 Add missing service account to deployment spec in the docs @linki
- #1296 Bump the version of golangci-lint @njuettner
- #1290 Fix broken link of ingress-gce and ingress-nginx @sivanzcw
- #1279 Use apps/v1 for the deployment to be compatible with Kubernetes 1.16 @scholzj
- #1277 Normalize function return and comments on exported type @sivanzcw
- #1271 Use non-deprecated initializer with go context @linki
- #1270 Fix several golint errors @bysph
- #1268 Fix tutorial for kubernetes 1.16+ @yujunz
- #1266 Add me-south region to list of canonical hosted zones @poweroftrue
- #1260 Add gov region to list of canonical hosted zones @helgi
- #1259 Update broken links to RDNS @Slach
- #1254 Designate: add snippet for RBAC environment @bavarianbidi
- #1253 Fix log-level parameter in tutorials @bavarianbidi
- #1251 Improve RFC2136 documentation @alex-orange
- #1248 Google Provider: Add support for batching updates @vdesjardins
- #1247 Azure: add support for specifying user assigned identity's clientID to authenticate @norshtein
- #1242 Automatically add provider labels on pull requests via Github actions @njuettner
- #1242 Improve documentation for nginx ingress controller on AWS @PiotrJander
- #1225 Use apps/v1 instead of extensions/v1beta1 in Deployment examples @reegnz
- #1223 Add documentation to make the use of namespaces clearer @dgrizzanti
- #1206 Add missing RBAC permissions for the ServiceAccount in the docs @dooman87
- #1195 Upgrade client-go + azure sdk @timja
- #1164 RFC2136: Add support for batching updates @h3ndrk
- #1163 Fix confusing arrow direction in the Azure tutorial @adipascu
- #1149 Route53: Add RBAC manifest and update wording around IAM policy @dkeightley
- #1008 Route53: Add support for all AWS Route53 routing policies @devkid
Docker images are available on Google Container Registry:
docker run asia.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/external-dns/external-dns:v0.5.18 --help
docker run eu.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/external-dns/external-dns:v0.5.18 --help
docker run us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/external-dns/external-dns:v0.5.18 --help
🎉 Thank you all for your contributions 🎉