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plantuml CTAN

A LuaLaTeX package for PlantUML in LaTeX

PlantUML is a program which transforms text into UML diagrams. This package allows for embedding PlantUML diagrams using the PlantUML source.

Currently, this project runs with lualatex only. Check issue #1 for the current state of affairs for support pdflatex.


  1. Environment variable PLANTUML_JAR set to the location of plantuml.jar. You get it from
  2. Windows: Environment variable GRAPHVIZ_DOT set to the location of dot.exe. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe. You can install graphviz using choco install graphviz.
  3. lualatex available with command line parameter -shell-escape included.
  4. In case you want to have the images as PDFs (and not using TikZ or PNG), ensure that inkscape.exe and pdfcrop are in your path. You can get inkscape using choco install inkscape. pdfcrop should be part of your latex distribution.


Minimal Example

LaTeX source:

  Alice -> Bob: test

Compilation: lualatex -shell-escape example-minimal


Minimal example

Example Class Relations Rendered Using SVG

LaTeX source:

  inkscape #1 --export-filename=\OutputFile
class Car

Driver - Car : drives >
Car *- Wheel : have 4 >
Car -- Person : < owns

For older Inkscape use this LaTeX source:

  inkscape -z --file=#1 --export-pdf=\OutputFile
class Car

Driver - Car : drives >
Car *- Wheel : have 4 >
Car -- Person : < owns

Compilation: lualatex -shell-escape example-class-relations


Class relations rendered using SVG


Your latex distribution should take care.

For manual installation, copy plantuml.* to your local texmf folder in the sub directoy tex/latex/plantuml. See the discussion at for the concrete location of the folder on your system.


The release is built using GitHub Actions (workflow file) using

Release preparation:

  1. Adapt copyright year (line 1)
  2. Adapt as date and version number (line 6) in plantuml.sty.
  3. Adapt
  4. Set a git tag and push.

Alternative Solutions

TikZ-UML is a very powerful package based on TikZ. More alternative solutions are collected at the CTAN topic UML.


SPDX-License-Identifier: LPPL-1.3c+